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1. get along

解析:It means to to interact (with someone) in a mutually friendly or amiable way.
译为:指两人相处融洽,合得来。表示“与某人合得来,相处得好”,在短语后面用介词with,即:get along with。

例句:We didn't like each other at first, but now we really get along. (一开始我们并不喜欢对方,但现在相处得非常好。)

I'm glad you finally got to meet my brother—I knew you two would get along.(很高兴你最后遇到了我的哥哥,我知道你们两人会相处融洽。)

My grandparents have been married for over 50 years and they still get along! (我的祖母祖父结婚50多年了,他们依旧相处融洽。)

2. go all the way

释义:It means to have sexual intercourse with someone. 青少年常用它来表示“做爱”的意思。要表示“与某人做爱”,在短语后面用介词with,即:go all the way with someone。

例句:Have you ever gone all the way in the back seat of a car. (你们在汽车的后排做过爱吗?)

If you go all the way, you stand a chance of getting pregnant. I've heard that they go to bed all the time.(如果你做爱,你就有可能会怀孕。我已经听说他们总是睡在床上。)

Her mother told her some boys will always try to make her go all the way. (她的母亲告诉她一些男孩总是企图让她与他们一起做爱。)

3. go out

释义:It meas to date someone. 译为:和某人约会,和某人谈恋爱。要表示“与某人约会,与某人谈恋爱”,在短语后面用介词with,即:go out with someone。也可以省略out,即:go with。

例句:Have you started going out with Stan on a regular basis. (你开始经常和Stan约会吗?)

A: I hear that Kevin is going out with Katie—is that true? (我听说Kevin正在和Katie谈恋爱,是真的吗?)

B: Yeah, they're a couple now.(是真的,他们现在是一对。)

I'm going with Brad, so you better stop flirting with him! (我将和Brad谈恋爱,你最好停止挑逗他。)

我们今天学习了3个表示关于“恋爱”的俚语:get alonggo all the waygo out。Hope that you can keep them in your mind. That is all for today. We'll continue studying the slangs about Love tomorrow. See you!

关键字: 英语 点滴




