1.表述:help a lame dog over a stile
释义:To help or assist someone in need in some fundamental or basic way. (帮人度过难关)
例句:He has so much money that it would be no effort at all for him to help a lame dog over a stile, but the man is adamant that not a penny of his fortune be used toward charity of any kind.
He always helps a lame dog over a stile, that was his boast.
2. 表述:dog it
释义:To be lazy; to loaf or shirk duty; to fail to put forth the effort necessary to achieve or accomplish something. (懒惰,敷衍了事,吊儿郎当)
例句:Jim became totally disheartened after losing his job and has been dogging it around the house for the past month.
I hate my job, so I just dog it in the office until it's time to go home.
I once had dreams of going to med school, but I dogged it during my last two years in college and can't get in anywhere now.
3. 表述:dog-tired
例句:I'm always dog-tired after a day at the amusement park.
Mom was dog-tired and needed a nap before dinner.
I' m dog-tired. The baby woke up three times in the night.
He was perfectly dog-tired and they were careful not to rouse him.