1. 词汇:fly in the ointment
释义:A small, unpleasant matter that spoils something. (美中不足)
例句:The only fly in the ointment in an otherwise perfect wedding day was the fact that the bride tripped when walking down the aisle.
We enjoyed the play, but the fly in the ointment was not being able to find my hat afterward.
We lead a very happy life here. The only fly in the ointment is that there’s too much traffic on our road.
It sounds like a good idea, but there must be a fly in the ointment somewhere.
2. 词汇:fly high
释义 1:To flourish or have much success. (蓬勃发展,取得很大成功)
例句:He's flying high these days, but he comes from a very poor family.
Look at all the money we raised—our charity has really been flying high.
释义2:To be very successful in one's ambitions. (有雄心大志,野心勃勃)
例句:Those who fly too high may come to grief.
Some literary men who fly high forgot their old friends when they promoted to high places.
释义3:To be very happy or jubilant.(情绪高涨,极度兴奋,狂喜)
例句:Molly's been flying high ever since she passed her driver's test.
Wow! Todd is really flying high. Did he discover a gold mine?