1. Expression: have a tiger by the tail
Explanation: To be involved with someone or something that is powerful and could become troublesome or threatening. (遭遇劲敌)
Example:Once you start using heroin, you'll have a tiger by the tail. If you get hooked and you'll need more and more. It'll cost you more money and you might have to steal to support the habit.
He found he had a tiger by the tail. Despite his promise he had to raise taxes to cope with the deficit. And this helped Bill Clinton beat him in his try for re-election in 1992.
他遭遇劲敌了——为了应付赤字顾不了自己的承诺了,增加征税,结果最终在连任竞选中被Bill Clinton击败。
Now that I have to work closely with the CEO on this project, I feel like I have a tiger by the tail.
You've had a tiger by the tail ever since you agreed to finish that big project.
2. Expression: catch a tiger by the tail
Explanation: To become or find oneself responsible for something risky, precarious, or unsafe. (骑虎难下,处境岌岌可危)
Example : You're taking on an organization with reserves you know nothing about. How do you know you won't be catching a tiger by the tail?
Anybody who experiments with drugs is catching a tiger by the tail.
It has now become obvious that our country has been catching a tiger by the tail with our military intervention in this region—it was foolish to get involved, but it would be catastrophic to leave now.
I believe that Hitler is catching a tiger by the tail in trying to keep all Europe under control by sheer force.