01.Two titans of science
Two Chinese titans of science passed away.
titan : 泰斗。
titan of science: 科学界泰斗。
He was an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
academician: 院士。
academy: 学术。
Chinese Academy of Sciences: 中科院。
02.Wu Mengchao
Wu Mengchao, a famous Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery died on Saturday at age 99.
hepatobiliary [hep?to?'b?lj?r?]: having to do with the liver plus the gallbladder, bile ducts, or bile.
pioneer: 先驱。
surgeon: 外科医生。
surgery: 外科。
perform a surgery: 做外科手术。
internal medicine: 内科。
03.Yuan Longping
father of hybrid rice: 杂交水稻之父。
hybrid rice:杂交水稻。
rice plant: 水稻。
hybrid: 混合。
hybrid cars: 混合动力汽车。
His discovery of the high-yield crop has been widely credited with alleviating famine and poverty in parts of Asia and Africa.
high-yield crop: 高产作物。
alleviate: 缓解、缓和。
famine: 饥荒。
credit with: 功劳归于(通常被动形式be credited with)。
He is regarded as a national hero for boosting grain harvests and helping to feed the world's most populous country.
populous: 人口多。
boosting grain harvest: 提高农作物产量。
He often said that he was driven to increase rice output in China because of the hunger he had witnessed.
'My lifetime pursuit is to ensure all people stay away from hunger.'
pursuit: 追求 (名词)。
pursue: 追求(动词)。
lifetime pursuit:毕生的追求。
Shortly after news broke of scientist Yuan Longping's passing, much of the Chinese Internet erupted in collective grief to mourn the death of the man known as China's 'father of hybrid rice'.
grief: 悲伤。
mourn: 哀悼、缅怀。
accessible: 亲近的。