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SBS朗文国际英语教程第一册 Unit3

来源:可可英语 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Chapter 3

Page 17 Vocabulary Preview

1.eating 2.drinking 4.reading
5.studying 6.teaching 7.singing 8.sleeping
9.swimming 10.planting 11.watching TV
12.listening to music 13.playing cards
14.playing baseball 15.playing the piano
Page 18 What are you doing? Listen
What are you doing? I'm reading.
What are you doing? We're cooking.
What are Mary and Fred doing? They're studing English.
What's Tom doing? He's eating.
What's Martha doing? She's watching TV.
What's your dog doing? It's sleeping.
Page 19 do exercise 1 to 7
A:What are you doing? B.____reading the newspaper.
2.A.______Mr.and Mrs.Jones doing? B._____cooking dinner.
2.A.______you and Judy doing? B._____eating dinner.
4.A._____Rita doing? B.___studying English.
5.A._____Henry doing? B.______sleeping.
6.A.______Carol and Ken doing B.______watching TV.
7.A.______Irene doing? B.__playing the piano.
page 20 What's everybody doing? Listen
Where's Walter? He's in the kitchen.
What's he doing? He's eating breakfast.
do exercise 1-13
1.Karen park eating lunch
2.Mr. and Mrs.Clark dining room eating dinner bedroom playing the guitar living room playing cards
5.Gary and Jane yard playing baseball
6.Miss Baker cafeteria drinking milk library studying English
8.Ms.Johnson classroom teaching mathematics
9.Marvin bathroom singing
10.Martha hostital watching TV
11.your friend park listening to music
Page 21 How to say it! Checking Understanding Listen
A.Where's Walter? B.He's in the kitchen.
A.In the kitchen? B.Yes.
Page 22 IN THE PARK Listen
The Jones family is in the park today.
The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It's a beautiful day!
Mr.Jones is reading the newspaper. Mrs.Jones is listening to radio.
Sally and Patty Jones are studying.And Tommy Jones is playing the guitar.
The Jones family is very happy today.
It's a beautiful day and they're in the park.
The Smith family is at home in the yard today.
The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It's a beautiful day!
Mr.Smith is planting flowers.
Mrs.Smith is drinking lemonade and reading a book.
Mary and Billy Smith are playing with the dog.
And Sam Smith is sleeping.The Smith family is very happy today.
It's a beautiful day and they're at home in the yard.
Listening Listen and choose the best answer.
1. a.She's studying. b.I'm studying.
2. a.he's eating. b.She's eating.
3. a.He's watching TV. b.She's watching TV.
4. a.We're cooking dinner. b.They're cooking dinner.
5. a.We're planting flowers. b.They're planting flowers.
6. a.You're playing baseball. b.We're playing baseball.
Pronunciation Reduced what are & where are
Listen.Then say it.

What are you doing?
What are Jim and Jane doing?
Where are Mary and Fred?
Where are you and Judy?
Say it.Then listen.
What are they doing?
What are Carol and Ken doing?
Where are Mr.and Mrs.Lane?
Where are you and Henry?
End of Chapter 3
Side by side Gazette
Global Exchange

SungHee: Hello.My name is Sung Hee.I'm Korean.I'm from Seoul.
I'm a student.Right now I'm in my English class.
I'm looking for a keypal in a different country.
DanielR: Hi,Sung Hee! my name is Daniel.
My nickname is Danny.My last name is Rivera.
I'm Mexican.I'm from Mexico City.I'm a student.Right now I'm at home.
I'm at my computer,and I'm listening to music.I'm also looking for a keypal.
Tell me about your school and your English class.
Buld your vocabulary! Playing Instruments,Sports,and Games
Instruments: the violin the clarinet the trumpet
Sports: soccer tennis basketball
Games: chess checkers tic tac toe
Page 26 Around the world Greetings
Right now,all around the world,people are greeting each other in different ways.
They're shaking hands. They're kissing.
They're bowing. They're hugging.
How are people in your country greeting each other today.
Listening You Have Seven Messages!
重点单词   查看全部解释    
guitar [gi'tɑ:]


n. 吉他

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

pronunciation [prə.nʌnsi'eiʃən]


n. 发音

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

violin [.vaiə'lin]


n. 小提琴





