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SBS朗文国际英语教程第一册 Unit5

来源:可可英语 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

page 35 Vocabulary Preview

1.tall-short 2.young-old
5.married-single 6.handsome-ugly
7.beautiful/pretty-ugly 8.large/big-small/little
9.noisy/loud-quiet 10.expensive-cheap
Page 36 Tall or short? Listen
A:Is Bob tall or short? B:He's tall.
A:Is Bill tall or short? B:He's short.
do exercise 1-22
1.Is Kate young or old?
2.Is Peggy young or old?
3.Is Howard heavy or thin?
4.Is Mike fat or thin?
5.Is Howard's car new or old?
6.Is Mike's car new or old?
7.Is Gloria married or single?
8.Is Jennifer married or single?
9.Is Robert handsome or ugly?
10.Is Captain Crook handsome or ugly?
11.Is Vanessa beautiful or ugly?
12.Is Hilda pretty or ugly?
13.Is Robert's house large or small?
14.Is George's apartment big or little?
15.Are Kate's neighbors noisy or quiet?
16.Are Peggy's neighbors loud or quiet?
17.Is the food at the Plaza Restaurant expensive or cheap?
18.Is the food at Burger Town expensive or cheap?
19.Are the questions in Chapter 5 easy or difficult?
20.Are the questions in Chapter 17 easy or difficult?
21.Is Marvin rich or poor?
22.Is Larry rich or poor?
Page 38 Tell me about... Listen
1. A:Are you married?B:No,I'm not.I'm single.
2. A:Tell me about your new car.It's large? B:No,it isn't.It's small.
3.A:Tell me about your new neighbors.Are they quiet?
B:No,they aren't.They're noisy.
do exercise 1-10
1.a.Tell me about your computer.___ new? b.No,___. ___.
2.a.Tell me about your new boss. ___ young? b.No,___. ___.
3.a.Tell me about your neighbors.___ noisy? b.No,___. ___.
4 a.Tell me about the Plaza Restaurant.___ cheap? b.No,___, ___.
5.a.Tell me about your brother.___ tall? b.No,___, ___.
6.a.Tell me about your sister.___ single? b.No,___, ___.
7.a.Tell me about Nancy's cat. ____ pretty? b.No,___, ___.
8.a.Tell me about Ron and Betty's dog. ___ little? b.No,___, ___.
9.a.Tell me about the questions in your English book.__ difficult? b.No,__.__.
10.A.Tell me about Santa Claus. ___ thin? b.No,___, ___.
Page 39 How's the weather today? Listen and repeat
It's sunny. It's cloudy.
It's raining. It's snowing.
It's hot. It's warm.
It's cool. It's cold.
Page 40 How to say it!
Calling Someone You Know on the the Telephone
Listen A.Hello. B.Hello. Is this Julie? A.Yes,it is.
B.Hi,Julie. This is Anna. A.Hi,Anna...
Page 41 The weather is terrible here! Listen
A:Hi,Jack.This is Jim. I'm calling from Miami.
B:From Miami?What are you doing in Miami? A:I'm vacation.
B:How's the weather in Miami?Is it sunny? A:No,it isn't.It's raining.
B:Is it hot? A:No,it isn't.It's cold.
B:Are you having a good time?
A:No,I'm not.I'm having a TERRIBLE time.The weather is TERRIBLE here.
B:I'm sorry to hear that.
Dear Mother,I'm writing to you from our hotel at sludge Beach.
Ralph and I are on vacation with the children for a few days.
We're happy to be here,but to tell the truth,we're having a few problems.
The weather isn't very good. In fact,it's cold and cloudy.
Right now I'm looking out the window and it's raining cats and dogs.
The children aren't very happy.
In fact,they're bored and they're having a terrible time.
Right now they're sitting on the bed,playing cards and watching TV.
The restaurants here are expensive,and the food isn't very good.
In fact,Ralph is at the doctor's office night now.
He's having problem with his stomach.
All the other hotels here are beautiful and new.
Our hotel is ugly,and it's very, very old.
In fact,right now a repairman is fixing the bathroom sink.
So,Mother,we're having a few problem here at sludge Beach,but we're happy.
We're happy to be on vacation,and we're happy to be together.
see you soon. love,Ethel
Page 43 Listening What's the answer?
Listen and choose the best answer.
1.a.It's large. b.It's heavy.
2.a.It's married. b.It's beautiful.
3.a.They're quiet. b.They're sunny.
4.a.It's young. b.It's warm.
5.a.It's small. b.It's easy.
6.a.It's good. b.It's raining.
Listening True or False?
Listen to the conversation. Then answer True or False.
1.Louise is calling Betty.
2.The weather is hot and sunny.
3.The hotel is old.
4.The food is very good.
5.Louise is watching TV.
1.Louise is calling Betty.
2.The weather is hot and sunny.
3.The hotel is old.
4.The food is very good.
5.Louise is watching TV.
Page 44 Proununciation Yes/No questions with or
Listen. Then say it.
Is Bob tall or short?
Is Kate young or old?
Are they noisy or quiet?
Is it hot or cold?
Say it. Then listen.
Is the car new or old?
Are you married or single?
Is it sunny or cloudy?
Are they large or small?
重点单词   查看全部解释    
sink [siŋk]


n. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器
vi. 下

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话





