本节目每天选取各大外文网站最新热门视频,原滋原味,内容丰富,意在提高学习者听力的广度和量度 。视频收集整理后会尽量配上文本供学习者参考,这样既能满足学习者对听力材料的要求,又能了解国内外最新时事,让英语学习变得轻松愉悦 。
【今日导读】:May 25,2012
1【HP cutting 27,000 jobs】惠普裁员27,000人
TEXT:Hewlett Packard announcing plans to lay off 27,000 employees, looking for annualized savings of more than $3 billion. The world's number one computer maker also reported a three percent decline in quarterly revenue. A source tells Reuters the NYSE is courting Facebook for its stock listing and Facebook is considering it. Separately, an internal memo at Morgan Stanley reveals it is reviewing every Facebook trade and will make price adjustments for customers who paid too much during the company'sdebutlast Friday. Wall Street was focused on concerns over Greece and its future in the euro zone. Euro zone officials have agreed that each eurozone country must prepare an individualcontingencyplan in the event that Greece decides to leave the single currency bloc. Robert Hormats is the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Business: "The Greeks have a chance to go the polls and make a choice. They have a chance to make a choice as to what direction they pursue and Europe has a choice how to react to that." Also weighing on the markets: Dell. Sharesplunged17 percent erasing more than four billion dollars of its market cap after forecasting disappointing second quarter revenue. The spring selling season is showing signs of success in the housing market. According to the Commerce Department, new home sales were up 3.3 percent in April. And median home prices were up close to five percent from a year ago. Taking a look at the closing numbers: A late afternoon rally took U.S. stocks out of the red with the major indexes closing mostly higher. But in Europe, stocks closed lower on fears that Greece would have to leave the euro zone. Bobbi Rebell, Reuters.
参考译文:惠普宣布裁减27,000名员工,这将为公司每年节省30亿多亿美元 。这个世界上最好的电脑制造商,宣布本季度营收下降3% 。有消息人士告诉路透,因为Facebook的上市,纽约证劵交易所正尽力的迎合 。另外,摩根士丹利的一份内部备忘录中显示,它正在审查Facebook的每一笔交易,并将为上周五上市时投入多的顾客调整好市价 。近期华尔街主要对希腊以及它在欧元区的未来表示担忧 。欧元区官员已经同意,每个欧元区国家必须准备应急计划,来应对希腊决定离开欧元区 。美国经济商业副国务卿Robert Hormats 表示:“希腊人自己有机会进行民意调查,然后做出一个选择 。他们有机会对自己的方向做出选择,欧洲也有机会选择如何应对” 。同样对市场产生很大影响的是戴尔公司,在对第二季度盈利做出令人失望的预测后,公司股票暴跌17个百分点,超过40亿美元的市值蒸发 。春季销售旺季,房地产行业有回暖迹象 。据美国商务部称,新屋销售4月份上涨3.3% 。中等房屋价格与前一年相比上涨了接近15% 。截止数据表明:下午晚些时候的集会,使美国股市扭亏为盈,主要股指普遍走高 。但在欧洲,因为担心希腊将退出欧元区,股票收低 。
2【Hundreds of Greeks clash with police】数百名希腊人与警方发生冲突
TEXT:Tension in Greece as supporters of the a far right group clash with police. The conflict started after locals attacked forces guarding this abandoned factory in the town of Patras, the country's third largest city. Members of the nationalist group Golden Dawn came armed with batons, stones and Molotov cocktails. The factory has been a temporary home to many immigrants, including many from Afghanistan. It has also been a sore point for many Greeks after an immigrant was accused of murder. Promising to rid Greece of immigrants, and with a swastika-like logo, Golden Dawn is the first far-right party to enter parliament since the fall of the military dictatorship in 1974. Deborah Gembara, Reuters.
参考译文:极右派政党的支持者与警方发生冲突,希腊陷入紧张局势 。当时警方正在希腊第三大城市Patras看管这个废弃的工厂,遭到当地人的袭击,随后发生了冲突 。名族政党Golden Dawn的成员用棍棒,石头和燃烧瓶进行武装 。该工厂一直为许多移民,包括阿富汗的移民提供了一个住所 。这正是许多希腊人的伤痛,因为一个移民被指控谋杀罪 。他们用类似于纳粹的标志,承诺消除希腊移民,Golden Dawn是自1974军事独裁倒台以来,第一个进入国会的极右政党 。
3【iPhone5: Worth Waiting For?】iPhone5值得你等待吗?
BRIEF:What can we expect from the forthcoming, invariably awesome iPhone 5?
The next version of Apple's revolutionary device hasn't even been unveiled yet, but that hasn't stopped experts (and consumers) from speculating on what features it might have, and more importantly, when it'll go on sale!
Here's what isknown and rumoredabout the iPhone 5 thus far:
Colors!Apple has filed patents involving carbon fiber, which could also provide more strength to the phone's body and a potential new added benefit: color.
Durability!Apple acquired rights to use a product from a company called Liquid Metal Technologies, which could offer the frame more elastic properties.
In other words, your piece will break less easily when you drop it on the street.
Bigger Design: Many new Android phones sport 4-4.5 inch screens, so Apple is feeling the pressure to increase screen size from its current 3.5.
Rumors also project a 20 percent thinner iPhone 5, decreasing from the 9.3mm iPhone 4S to a sleeker 7.4mm, plus a new dock connector.
Processor: The new iPad sported the faster A5X processor, some predict an even faster A6 processor with a gig of RAM in the new iPhone.
The inclusion of LTE, a faster processor and a bigger screen all mean a greater drain on the battery, which would likely be addressed as well.
Timing: Every year Apple hosts a developer conference in San Francisco in June, however, analysts are betting on October for a new release.
Steve Jobs hologram: Too soon? Sorry. We were just watchingTupac perform at Coachellaand thinking about Steve dispensing wisdom on cue.
三《今日世界》选自VOA News
4.【VOA60 Word】全球新闻一分播报
TEXT:Egypt:Millions, including women, turn out to vote in Egypt's first presidential election since the uprising and overturning of Hosni Mubarak .
Afghanistan: Officials say Unidentified gunmen have kidnaped five aid workers.
Iran: EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton arrives in Baghdad for talks between world powers and Iran over Tehran's controversial nuclear program.
Spain: European shares drop as market tension increases ahead of a summit of European leaders.
Thailand: Lady Gaga arrives ahead of the "Born This Way Ball Tour" in Bangkok with hundreds of fans welcoming her.
埃及:自起义推翻埃及前总统穆巴拉克以来,数以百万计的人民包括妇女将在这第一届总统选举中投票 。
阿富汗:有官员称,身份不明的持枪者绑架了五名救援人员 。
伊朗:世界各国与伊朗将就有争议的德黑兰核计划进行会谈,欧盟外交政策负责人凯瑟琳·阿什顿抵达巴格达 。
西班牙:欧洲领导人峰会召开之前,因市场紧张气氛加剧,欧洲股票下跌 。
泰国:在“Born This way Ball Tour ”演唱会召开之前,Lady Gaga前往曼谷,数百歌迷前来欢迎 。
四《特别推荐》选自VOA Special English 慢速英语
5.【How a Small Change in Teaching May Create Better Readers】教学小改变,大收获
TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Education Report.
Teachers and parents usually call attention to the pictures when they read storybooks to preschool children. But a new study suggests that calling attention to the words and letters on the page may lead to better readers.
The two-year study compared children who were read to this way in class with children who were not. Those whose teachers most often discussed the print showed clearly higher skills in reading, spelling and understanding. These results were found one year and even two years later.Shayne Piasta, an assistant professor of teaching and learning at Ohio State University, was an author of the study. She says most preschool teachers would find this method manageable and would need only a small change in the way they teach. They already read storybooks in class. The only difference would be increased attention to the printed text.
Ms. Piasta says if you get children to pay attention to letters and words, it makes sense that they will do better at word recognition and spelling. But she says research suggests that very few parents and teachers do this in a systematic way.
The report appears in the journal Child Development.More than three hundred children age four and five were observed in classrooms in Ohio and Virginia. The children came from poor families and were below
average in their language skills. This put them at risk for reading problems later. For thirty weeks, the children took part in a program called Project STAR, for Sit Together And Read. The project is based at Ohio State. It tests the short-term and long-term results of reading regularly to preschool children in their classrooms.
Laura Justice at Ohio State was an investigator for the study. She heads the Preschool Language and Literacy Laboratory. She says one of the areas that interests researchers is known as the "locus of learning."
LAURA JUSTICE: "Where is it that a child learns something? Where is that space? We think we have identified it pretty well in terms of fostering some children’s knowledge about print." Professor Justice says this knowledge can be gained by having focused discussions when reading a book to a child.
LAURA JUSTICE: "We think we understand how information about print is transmitted from the adult to the child. And we think we have centered on this intervention that really helps adults center in on the things that children need and want to learn." There are different ways that adults can talk to children about print. They can point to a letter and discuss it, and even trace the shape with a finger. They can point out a word: "This is 'dog.'" They can discuss the meaning of the print or how the words tell the story. And they can talk about the organization of the print-- for instance, showing how words are written left to right in English.
And that’s the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Jerilyn Watson.I'm Bob Doughty.
She made her debut album in 1973.
她在1973年推出她的第一套唱片集 。
A fire in our warehouse was a contingency that we had not expected.
库房的一场大火是我们始料未及的 。
Be prepared for any contingency
The little boat plunged about in the storm.
小船在暴风雨中颠簸得很厉害 。
vt. & vi.(使)陷入
That man plunged in the river but not to save the child.
那个人在河中沉浮, 但是救不了那个孩子 。
The sudden stopping of the car plunged him forwards.
汽车急刹车, 使得他猛地向前倾去 。
John felt refreshed after a quick plunge in the lake.
在湖中游了一会儿泳后, 约翰感到精神振奋 。
猛跌, 骤降
The sky diver had a plunge of more than 10, 000 feet before his parachute opened.
那个跳伞运动员坠落了一万多英尺, 他的降落伞才打开 。
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