大家好, 我是AmyLee,又和大家见面了,以后我就是你们的小闹钟,每天督促你们暗示复习托福。这个专题主要是讲托福写作中重点词汇的运用,今天我们要说的是教育话题的重点词汇和词组。
我们的口号是:词汇是提高听力阅读的唯一途径!准备好了吗?Let’s start!\(^o^)/~
Students should not be treated as passivereceptacles of predigested ideas | 学生不应该只是被动接受知识的容器 |
Learn things by rote | 死记硬背 |
Memorize for memorization’s own sake | 为了记忆而记忆 |
A sense of obligation/duty/responsibility | 责任感 |
Memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws | 记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律 |
Follow sth. Blindly/ fullow sth.indiscriminately | 盲从 |
Extinguish/ stifle/ constrain creativity | 限制创造力的发展 |
Dampen/ sap the students’ enthusiasm | 打击学生的积极性(frustrate the students) |
Beget/ create undue pressure | 产生不必要的压力 |
Mold one’s character | 塑造某人的性格 |
Adverse circumstances/adversity | n.逆境 |
Encourage the students to think critically | 鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题 |
Extra-curricular activities | 课外活动 |
A school is society in miniature | 学校是社会的缩影 |
Indiscipline/ misbehavior/ mischief | n.不遵守纪律 |
Disruptive students/ unruly students | 违反纪律的学生 |
Theoretical knowledge | 理论知识 |
bilingual | Adj.双语的 |
nagging | Adj.絮絮叨叨的,形容嘴碎的人 |
stimulating | Adj.有趣的(可代替interesting在教育类文章中) |
cognitive | Adj.认知的 |
guardian | n.监护人 |
valedictorian | n.指中学毕业典礼上要做演讲的人 |
Graduate summa cum laude | n.大学毕业成绩最拔尖 |
illuminate | Vt.本意是照亮,这里作阐明,解释清楚之意 |
autonomy | n.自我管理 |
edification | n.启迪 |
syllabus | n.教学大纲 |
Ok, that’s it! Remember practice makes perfect!
If you have any questions or great suggestions, please send email to me:keke3096@qq.com