我们的口号是:词汇是提高听力阅读的唯一途径!准备好了吗?Let’s start!\(^o^)/~
Augment/enhance/boost efficiency | Adj.指非常先进的 |
Augment/enhance/boost productivity | Adj.尖端的 |
Labor-saving machinery | Vt.彻底变革 |
Labor-replacing machinery | Adj.自动化的 |
automation | Adj.机械化的 |
biotechnology | Adj.电脑生成的 |
clone | 组装线 |
telecommunication | 大规模生产 |
Space exploration/space probe | Adj.省钱的 |
One’s genetic makeup/one’s DNA programming | Vt.深刻改变 |
innovations | n.突破 |
ingenious | 打破(传统的)界限 |
At a staggering rate | 无限的可能 |
Ultra-lightweight | v.&n.发展(名词形式也可作advancement) |
Ultra-thin | 信息过剩 |
portable | 信息爆炸 |
antenna | n.自给自足 |
Organ transplant | 虚拟世界 |
pacemaker | 脱离现实 |
transactions | n.电脑的摄像头 |
Manned landing on the moon | Adj.不可想象的 |
Manned spacecraft | n.远程通讯 |
Telecommunications satellite | Adj.高生产率的(名词productivity也很常用) |
Weather satellite/meteorological satellite | n.自动化 |
Launch pad | Adj.可利用的 |
The Hubble Space Telescope | Adj.新颖的 |
Bulletproof vest | Adj.耐用的 |
Cutting-edge technology | Adj.对用户友好的,方便使用的 |
Information explosion(or overload) | Adj.常规的 |
The information age(or era) | Vt.增进,提高 |
The proliferation of the Internet/the extensive use of the Internet/ the widespread use of the Internet | 加速(如the pace/tempo of life生活节奏) |
Technological innovations/ inventions/ advances/ progressions | Vt.生产,制造 |
Ok, that’s it! Remember practice makes perfect!
If you have any questions or great suggestions, please send email to me:keke3096@qq.com