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Words and Idioms

各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 951讲。我是杨琳。<美国习惯用语>

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.

女:去年我跟我妹妹一块去旅游的时候,住的旅馆很特别。我妹妹非常喜欢我们住的房间,还说回家后要把自己的房间也装饰成那样。我本想今年去帮她拍点照片,让她好照着重新装饰屋子。没想到上个星期我去她家的时候,她的房间跟旅馆的房间看起来... 真的不只是相似,而是,一模一样了! 这让我想到了一个习惯用语,那就是:

M:Carbon copy. Carbon is spelled c-a-r-b-o-n, and copy, c-o-p-y. Carbon-copy.

Carbon 本身是复写纸的意思,那大家都猜到了吧,carbon copy,就是形容非常相似,一模一样。我刚进我妹妹的房间时特别吃惊,因为Her room is a carbon copy of the hotel room we stayed in last year. 她的房间跟去年我们住的旅馆房间一模一样。

下面例子中的这个男生在见到一个人后大吃一惊,到底发生了什么事呢? 我们来听听看:

M:"My new girlfriend said she wanted me to meet someone. I was shocked when I answered the door. Standing there was a woman who looked exactly like my girlfriend. She talked just like her, too. In fact, she was a CARBON COPY. That's when I realized I was dating a twin."

[这段话是说:我的新女友说她想让我见见一个人。结果开门的时候我大吃一惊。站在我面前的人跟我女友长的一模一样,讲话的样子也跟我女友一样。我这时候才意识到,原来她们是双胞胎! ]

女:想起来,我原来也曾经有过一个双胞胎男朋友!我还总分不清他跟他哥哥呢。 He is a carbon copy of his twin brother. 他们兄弟俩看起来一模一样。形容这种长得一模一样的人,英语里还有个特别的词,叫 DOPPELGANGER. DOPPELGANGER is spelled d-o-p-p-e-l-g-a-n-g-e-r; doppelganger. 如果你找到了跟你长得一模一样的人,你就找到了你的DOPPELGANGER! 好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M:"My new girlfriend said she wanted me to meet someone. I was shocked when I answered the door. Standing there was a woman who looked exactly like my girlfriend. She talked just like her, too. In fact, she was a CARBON COPY. That's when I realized I was dating a twin."

女:碰到跟自己长得很像的人也许很有趣,不过啊,有时候你可能希望独一无二,特别是涉及创造力的时候。下面例子里的市长大人大发脾气。为什么呢? 我们来听听看:

M:"The architect claimed his designs for the city park were original. But on closer inspection, it became clear that wasn't true. All the features, including the gardens, pond, bridge and playing fields, were no different from those in a park in Boston. The mayor was furious. He trusted the architect to offer something unique, not a CARBON COPY. "


女:本来想要一座别致的公园,结果却在城市里建了一座仿制品,换了我是市长,我一定也会大发雷霆。我记得我刚工作的时候也发生过类似的事情。我们的竞争对手不知道怎么得到了我们的创意,开启了一个完全雷同的项目! Our business competitor launched a carbon copy of our project. I bet they've got our ideas somewhere. 我们的竞争对手推出了一个跟我们一模一样的项目,他们肯定是从哪里得到了我们的创意。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M:"The architect claimed his designs for the city park were original. But on closer inspection, it became clear that wasn't true. All the features, including the gardens, pond, bridge and playing fields, were no different from those in a park in Boston. The mayor was furious. He trusted the architect to offer something unique, not a CARBON COPY. "

女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是CARBON COPY,意思是非常相似,一模一样。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。

A:Kat, you're right. Carbon copy art works can't measure up to the original ones because they're not unique or innovative. 比如主题雷同的电视剧或电影,第一部让人觉得新鲜有趣,后面的就乏味了!

B:That's right. But even movies full of original ideas and surprises can fail to attract viewers.


B:If you've known the movie's ending before even watching it! For example, if some impatient friend of yours gives you a detailed description of the whole movie before you could watch it yourself.



JESSICA:吴琼, I sent you a movie review article yesterday. Have you read it?


JESSICA:Why not? !

WQ:因为电影我还没看啊!影评上来就警告读者说:本文有剧透!也就是说,看了文章就知道电影结局了!JESSICA, 这令人扫兴的ǒ剧透ō用美语怎么说呢?

JESSICA:It's called a spoiler. Spoiler is spelled s-p-o-i-l-e-r. A spoiler will reveal the ending of the movie to you when you'd rather find it out by yourself.

WQ:I see!Spoilers can really ruin the fun of watching a movie!

JESSICA:True. That's why people write a warning at the beginning of a review, which says "the following review contains spoilers."

WQ:对!影评应该先警告大家有剧透内容,省得扫观众的兴! 不过话说回来,有些片子编得很滥,只要看了开头,不用剧透,傻瓜都能猜出结局!

JESSICA:I agree. Those movies are no fun to begin with. You only need to avoid spoilers when there are plot twists.

WQ:Plot twist? P-l-o-t, plot是故事情节,t-w-i-s-t, twist,是扭曲,所以plot twist 我猜就是出乎意料的情节,电影里的形势大逆转,对不对?

JESSICA:Yes! Plot twists are the development that viewers don't expect to happen. Good writers use plot twists to keep viewers interested.


JESSICA:In English, we call that a cliffhanger. It's usually a dilemma or a dangerous situation. So you want to watch the next episode to see how the characters deal with it.

WQ:哦!原来,在结尾时留下的悬念就是cliffhanger! C-l-i-f-f-h-a-n-g-e-r, cliffhanger. 诶呀,我要走了,My favorite show is about to start, and last episode ended on a cliffhanger!

JESSICA:Okay, but before you go, tell me what you've learned today!

WQ:第一,剧透是a spoiler;出乎意料的故事情节是 a plot twist;电影或电视结尾时的悬念是 a cliffhanger.

B:Well, speaking of cliffhanger...

A:还记得我们上次在GoEnglish节目里说到Phil向朋友借车,要去Las Vegas 玩儿,朋友还说,Phil要是赌博赢了钱,必须分一半给他。

B:Also, The car Phil borrowed was brand new and the owner was worried about Phil damaging his car in Vegas...


B:Let's listen to GoEnglish again and see if you guessed right.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
plot [plɔt]


n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,
v. 绘

license ['laisəns]


n. 执照,许可证,特许
vt. 允许,特许,

gesture ['dʒestʃə]


n. 手势,姿态
v. 作手势表达

dilemma [di'lemə]


n. 困境,进退两难

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

impatient [im'peiʃənt]


adj. 不耐烦的,急躁的

innovative ['inəuveitiv]


adj. 革新的,创新的

familiarity [fə.mili'æriti]


n. 亲密,熟悉,精通,不拘礼节

twist [twist]


v. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲
n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,


文章关键字: 英语 训练班 美语




