A:大家好! 欢迎来到美语训练班, 我是杨琳!
B:我是Kat, 杨琳,快介绍一下节目内容吧!
B:Sounds good! But first, let's learn a word.
Learn A Word comparable
今天我们要学的词是comparable. Comparable is spelled c-o-m-p-a-r-a-b-l-e, comparable. Comparable 意思是可比较的,相当的。2月5号是美国一年一度的超级杯橄榄球赛。球场安全负责人说: The overall Super Bowl security effort is comparable to the protection that surrounds the President of the United States. 超级杯安全保卫措施能与对美国总统的保卫工作相提并论。美国政府调查显示,The average federal worker earns 2 percent more than a private sector worker in a comparable profession. 联邦雇员与可类比的私营企业员工比,平均薪资高出2%。好的,今天我们学习的词是comparable, comparable, comparable.
A:都说“人比人,气死人”,我有个朋友特有钱,买名牌包跟买菜似的,不象我,得下半天决心,还得等减价!唉,Our spending abilities are not comparable at all!
B:Don't be upset. As long as you are happy with what you bought, your satisfaction is comparable to your friend's.
B:That's the spirit!
A:好了,咱们继续听节目,Words and Idioms.
Words and Idioms Cast in Stone
女:各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 953讲。我是杨琳。<美国习惯用语>美国习惯用语>
M:我是 Douglas Johnson.
M:Cast in Stone. Cast is spelled c-a-s-t, and stone; s-t-o-n-e. Cast in stone. Cast in stone.
女:Cast本身有铸造的意思,而stone则是石头。Cast in stone, 都铸造在石头里了,也就是最后决定,板上定钉的意思。虽然我在看关于去巴黎旅游的书,可是还没决定最后是不是去那里。My decision to go to Paris isn't CAST IN STONE. 下面的例子里,这位家长遇到了什么难题? 我们来听听看:
M:"It seems like yesterday that my daughter was in kindergarten and now she's graduating from 6th grade. Her class is having a graduation party on June 10th. While I really want to attend, I'll be on a business trip. And I understand the date of the ceremony can't be changed. It's CAST IN STONE."
[这段话是说: 女儿上幼儿园仿佛还是昨天的事,可是现在她已经要六年级毕业了!她们班6月10号开毕业派对庆祝。虽然我很想参加,但是我那时侯正好得去出差。而且我知道,日期已经不能再改,是板上定钉的事了。]
女: 如果家长不能出席,孩子一定会很失望!对了,你还记得上次我说我们家的路口应该安装停车路标的事吗?我本以为这已经是板上定钉的事情了,可是现在由于资金问题还得需要近一步考虑。The board needs to reconsider whether to install a stop sign or not due to budgetary concerns. So it's not CAST IN STONE yet. 出于预算考虑,小区委员会需要重新审核是否要安装一个停车的路标,这件事还没有最后决定。好,让我们再来听听刚才那段话。
M:"It seems like yesterday that my daughter was in kindergarten and now she's graduating from 6th grade. Her class is having a graduation party on June 10th. While I really want to attend, I'll be on a business trip. And I understand the date of the ceremony can't be changed. It's CAST IN STONE."
M:"There's a lot of confusion about wine. Should you only drink white wine with chicken and fish and red wine with red meat? When it comes to deciding what goes together best, experts now say that there are no rules CAST IN STONE. You should let your taste guide you; serve whatever pleases you. "
[这段话是说: 如何点酒确实是门学问。是不是鸡肉和鱼肉只能搭配白酒,而红肉只能搭配红酒呢?专家认为,当谈到如何搭配最好的时候,并没有什么板上定钉的规则。你应该跟着你的感觉走,只要你喜欢就好。]
我每次去吃西餐,就经常不知道自己该点什么酒!听了这段话才知道,原来,There are no rules cast in stone on how to order wines. 点酒并没有什么固定的规则。大家注意,这里的cast也可以用其他动词代替,比如s-e-t, set;或是c-a-r-v-e-d, carved; set in stone, carved in stone, 都是同样的意思,板上定钉。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:
M:"There's a lot of confusion about wine. Should you only drink white wine with chicken and fish and red wine with red meat? When it comes to deciding what goes together best, experts now say that there are no rules CAST IN STONE. You should let your taste guide you; serve whatever pleases you. "
今天我们学习的习惯用语是Cast in Stone,意思是“最后的结论,板上定钉”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。