Today in History: Saturday, September 22, 2012
On Sept. 22, 1980, the conflict between Iran and Iraq erupted into full-scale war.
1980年,9月22日,伊朗和伊拉克之间的冲突爆发成全面战争 。
1761 Britain's King George III and his wife, Charlotte, were crowned in Westminster Abbey.
1761年,英国国王乔治三世和他的妻子夏洛特在威斯敏斯特教堂加冕 。
1776 Nathan Hale was hanged as a spy by the British during the Revolutionary War.
1776年,内森·黑尔在革命战争期间被英国人当作间谍绞死 。
1792 The first French Republic was proclaimed.
1792年,第一个法国第共和国宣布成立 。
1862 President Abraham Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, declaring all slaves in rebel states free as of Jan. 1, 1863.
1862年,亚伯拉罕·林肯总统发表初步《解放宣言》,宣布至1863年1月1日反叛州所有奴隶得以自由 。
1927 Gene Tunney successfully defended his heavyweight boxing title against Jack Dempsey in the "long count" fight in Chicago.
1927年,Gene Tunney在芝加哥"长计数"站中击败杰克邓普希成功捍卫他重量级拳击冠军称号 。
1949 The Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb.
1949年,苏联第一颗原子弹爆炸 。
1964 The musical "Fiddler on the Roof" opened on Broadway, beginning a run of 3,242 performances.
1964年,音乐剧《屋顶上的提琴手》于百老汇上演,该音乐剧演出了3242场 。
1969 Willie Mays of the San Francisco Giants hit his 600th career home run during a game in San Diego.
1969年,威利玉米的旧金山巨人队打他职业生涯的第600家运行在一个游戏在圣地亚哥 。
1975 Sara Jane Moore failed in an attempt to shoot President Gerald R. Ford outside a San Francisco hotel.
1975年,莎拉简·摩尔在旧金山一家饭店外射杀杰拉尔德·福特总统未能成功 。
1989 Songwriter Irving Berlin died at age 101.
1989年,作曲家欧文·柏林去世,享年101岁 。
1995 Time Warner struck a $7.5 billion deal to buy Turner Broadcasting System Inc.
1995年,时代华纳达成一笔75亿美元的交易,购买特纳广播系统公司 。
2004 "Lost" premiered on ABC.
2004年,《迷失》在美国广播公司 。
2005 John Roberts' nomination as chief justice cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee on a 13-5 vote.
2005年,约翰·罗伯茨以13比5的投票废除参议院司法委员会担任首席大法官 。
2008 The U.S. Mint unveiled the first changes to the penny in 50 years, with Abraham Lincoln's portrait still on the front, but new designs replacing the Lincoln Memorial on the back.
2008年,美国造币厂50年来首次对分币图像的更改公布,前面依然保留了林肯的画像,但新的设计取代了背面林肯纪念堂 。