Today in History: Friday, September 21, 2012
On Sept. 21, 1998 President Bill Clinton's videotaped grand jury testimony in the Monica Lewinsky scandal was publicly broadcast, showing him answering one question from prosecutors by saying, "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."
1998年9月21日,在莫妮卡·莱温斯基丑闻中比尔·克林顿总统陪审团作证录像被公开广播,他这样回答检察官的一个问题“这取决于这是什么意思” 。
1792, the French National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy.
1792年,法国国民大会投票废除君主制 。
1897 The New York Sun ran an editorial answering a question from an 8-year-old girl that included the line, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."
1897年,《纽约太阳报》刊登了一篇社论回答一个8岁女孩的问题,“是的,维吉尼亚有一个圣诞老人 。”
1931 Britain went off the gold standard.
1931年,英国放弃金本位制度 。
1937 "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien was published.
1937年,J.R.R Tolkien著作的《哈比人历险记》出版 。
1938 A hurricane struck parts of New York and New England, causing widespread damage and claiming more than 600 lives.
1938年,一场飓风袭击了纽约和新英格兰部分地区,造成大范围破坏及600多人丧身 。
1948 Milton Berle debuted as permanent host of "The Texaco Star Theater" on NBC.
1948年,作为NBC“德士古明星剧场”的老牌主持人弥尔顿·伯雷首次亮相 。
1957 "Perry Mason," starring Raymond Burr, premiered on CBS.
1957年,由Raymond burr主演的“Perry Mason”在哥伦比亚广播公司首演 。
1964 Malta gained independence from Britain.
1964年, 马耳他脱离英国获得独立 。
1970 "NFL Monday Night Football" debuted on ABC.
1970年,“NFL周一晚间橄榄球”节目在ABC首次上演 。
1982 National Football League players began a 57-day strike.
1982年,全国橄榄球联盟玩家开始一次为期57天的罢工 。
1983 Interior Secretary James G. Watt described a special advisory panel as consisting of "a black ... a woman, two Jews and a cripple." Watt later apologized and resigned.
1983年,内政部长詹姆斯·瓦特将一个特殊组成的顾问小组描述成“一个黑人,一个女人,两个犹太人和一个跛子 。”事后瓦特道歉并辞职 。
1996 The board of Virginia Military Institute voted to admit women.
1996年,弗吉尼亚军事学院董事会投票接纳女性 。
1998 Olympic gold medal track star Florence Griffith Joyner, 38, died in her sleep after suffering an epilectic seizure.
1998年,38岁的奥运会金牌田径明星Florence Griffith Joyner因患癫痫在睡梦中死去 。
2001 Congress approved $15 billion to help an airline industry reeling from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
2001年,美国国会批准了150亿美元帮助遭“9·11”恐怖袭击的航空工业 。
2004 The album "American Idiot" by Green Day was released.
2004年,Green Day专辑《美国白痴》发布 。
2008 "Mad Men" became the first basic-cable show to win a top series Emmy award.
2008年,《广告狂人》成为第一个获得获得最高系列艾美奖基本有线电视节目 。