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北师大版初中英语八年级下Unit 8 unit 31

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 8 Transportation
Lesson 31
1.2 Rules for drivers
Always wear a seat belt.
Follow all traffic signs and rules.
Be aware of pedestrians at the crosswalk.
Drive according to the speed limit.
Don't drive after drinking.
Don't make phone calls while you are driving.
Rules for motorcyclists
Always wear a helmet.
Use a light on the front
and back of your motorcycle.
Don't ride on the sidewalk.
Check that your motorcycle
is in good condition before riding it.
Remember to obey traffic laws.
Rules for cyclists.
Check your brakes and tires often.
Don't try to do dangerous tricks on it.
Don't give rides to other people.
Learn basic cycling skills-most importantly.
know how to stop safely!
Don't ride on the sidewalk.
Lock it when you leave it in a public place.
Rules for pedestrians
Walk on the sidewalk.
Walk on the right side of the street
when there is no sidewalk.
Cross the street at the crosswalk.
Pay attention to traffic lights.
Don't read when you are walking in the street.
2.2 Welcome back to the show.
Today we're talking with Mike Vernon
about cycle safety.
So,Mike,what advice do you have
for our listeners about safe cycling?
Well,one very important point is this--
you must learn basic skills
before you go out on your bike in the stresst.
Most importantly,you have to know
how to stop safely!
Okay.What else?
Another very important point--
always check that your bike is in good condition
You must check the brakes and the tires.
Okay.Now,what about when you're out riding
in the street?
Right.First thing--you must wear a helmet.
Next,you have to obey all traffic signs
and rules and you must give way to pedestrians.
What about riding on the sidewalk?
Is that okay?
No.You mustn't ride on the sidewalk.
What about when you ride your bike at night?
Ah,yes.There are some important things
to remember.
You have to have lights on your bike--
in the front and at the back,
and you also have to wear light-colored clothes.
Okay.And other pieces of advice?
Well,finally,let's talk about safety.
You mustn't do tricks on your bike.
That's dangerous.
And you mustn't give rides to other people.
That too can cause an accident.
Also,when you leave your bike in a public place
you must always remember to lock it.
Otherwise,someone might steal it.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

sidewalk ['said.wɔ:k]


n. 人行道

helmet ['helmit]


n. 头盔,遮阳帽,盔甲

crosswalk ['krɔ:s,wɔ:k]


n. 人行横道





