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北师大版初中英语八年级下Unit 12 lesson45-2

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


There are many famous museums,ancient palaces,
tombs,and caves,
such as the Dazu Museum,Shaanxi History Museum,
the Terracotta Museum,the Potala Palace,
the Dunhuang Caves,
and many other beautiful places
such as Yunnan Dali
and Sichuan Jiuzhaigou Valley.
2.2 Welcome to our program,Mr.Zhang.
Can you tell us about the Go West program?
When did it start?
It started in 2003.
How did it start?
Well,the Go West program
is part of the goverment plan
to develop the western part
of the country.
What is the plan about?
In this plan,the government encourages
college graduates to work
in the western regions
for one or two years as volunteers.
Have many college graduates
volunteered to take part in this program?
Oh yes,many of them.
Till July,2003,about 43,000 have volunteered
and 6,000 have gone.
And which areas do volunteered work in?
They work in many areas.
Some work in education,
others in health care.
Some work with farmers in the countryside
and some work on cultural programs.
At the end of their service,
volunteers can decide to stay in Western China
or to look for work in other parts
of the country.
Many of them have decided to stay.




