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北师大版初中英语九年级 Unit 1 lesson 4

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 1 Learning to learn
Lesson 4
Exercise 1.2
Good evening Ms Wang .
I feel English is one of the most difficult
subjects for students.
We receive both e-mail
and calls from students about English learning.
You have taught English for
more than twenty years.
Would you please answer some students'questions
Let's listen to our first caller
with his question.
Hello,Ms Wang.
Memorizing English vocabulary
is a real headache for me.
I read and copy the words more
than five times a day,
but I still forget them.
What else can I do?
Why don't you write the words
on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere
in your house where you see it often?
For example,
you can put it either on your bathroom mirror
or your bedroom door.
Each time you brush your teeth in the bathroom
or walk by your bedroom door,
you can go over your list,
You should not only memorize words
but also try to use them.
If you can use them when you speak
or write English,you will remember them.
I like speaking English,
but the grammar is very difficult for me .
I spend a lot of time memorizing the rules,
but when I try to use them,
I still make mistakes .
What else should I do?
One way to help you learn is to practice
writing sentences with that grammar point.
Remember,it is neither useful nor helpful
to just remember the rules,
The most important point is
to practice using it a lot.
The more you use it the better
you will learn it.
It's common to make mistakes.
So don't be afraid of making mistakes.
Good evening,Ms Wang.
I'm always nervous when I listen to English.
What shall I do?
My first advice is:do not feel nervous
while you are listening to English.
Relax,It is natural that you don't
understand everything when you listen to
the material for the first time.
My second advice is :
try to study the key words before you listen
and when you are listening,
listen to the key words and guess the meaning
if you can .
My third advice is:keep practicing .
Don't give up.
The more you listen,the more you'll understand.
Exercise 2.1
English learning Tips
It may be difficult to only speak English
during your English class,
but it will help you learn faster.
Speak Chinese only when it is really necessary
and only if you have already tried
several times to explain youself in English.
Try to get involved in English activities,
for English movies
or join English book clubs.
The more you hear and read English,
the better!
Don't feel embarrassed
if you're not sure about something in English.
It's okay to tell your teacher
that you don't know the answer.
Be honest with yourself and your teacher. your English homework carefully.
Make a note of any exercises
you don't understand
so you can ask your teacher about them
the next class.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
brush [brʌʃ]


n. 刷子,画笔
n. 灌木丛

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





