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北师大版初中英语九年级 Unit 2 expansion 2

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 2 life in the Future
Expansion 2
Exercise 4
What will schools be like ?
I think schools will have more computers.
We'll study with computers
instead of with books.
Yes ,I think you're right.
How will student go to school?
I think we'll travel by flying bus!
They'll be so quick that
you'll never be late for school again!
Hmm...I'm not sure about that.
I think we'll still have normal buses.
And I think there'll ve more traffic
and more pollution.
Really?Where will people live?
Well,there'll be such a lot of pollution that
some people will move to other places.
Do you think so ?Where will they go?
They'll go to places far away from the city.
or they'll even go to other planets
Really?How will they travel to other planets
They'll travel in spaceships of course!
It'll be such a common thing that
everyone will do it.
Wow!When will that happen?
I think it'll happen in about fifty years.
Roundup 2
Exercise 1
The pollution in this city is really bad!
I agree.But I think that in the future
there will be more pollution.
More pollution?Really?
Yes,Think about it ,
There will be more people and more cars
and so there will be more pollution.
I see your point.
But maybe there will also be more people
trying to solve the problem of pollution.
Yeah,that's true ,I guess.
But I still think
there will be more cars on the streets
and so there will be more traffic.
Hmm...maybe.Or maybe we won't use cars anymore.
Maybe people will use public transportaion
more .
That's possibility.
Also,maybe cars will be very expensive ...
And so everyone will ride bicycles!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答





