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来源:可可英语 编辑:Ballet   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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"Yes, sir, "said Oliver.


"See if you can take it out, without my feeling it. Just as you saw them doing it when we were playing. "


Oliver held up the bottom of the pocket with one hand, as he had seen the Dodger hold it, and pulled the handkerchief lightly out of it with the other.

奥利弗学着神偷的样子, 一只手向上托住衣兜的底部,用另一只手轻轻抽出了手帕。

"Has it gone? "asked Fagin.


"Here it is, sir, "said Oliver, showing it in his hand.


"You"re a clever boy, my dear, "said the old gentleman, putting his hand on Oliver"s head. I"ve never seen a quicker boy.


If you go on like this, you"ll be the greatest man in London.


Now come here and I"ll show you how to take the marks out of handkerchieves. "



1. See if you can take it out, without my feeling it.

词汇精讲:see在这句话中的意思是become aware of somebody or something by using the eyes(看看,察觉)的意思。再如:If you watch carefully you will see how it is done. 你要是仔细观察, 就能看出这是怎么做的。

写作语库:without one’s feeling something:在某人没有察觉的情况喜之中,在某人不知不觉中 take something out:把......拿出来

2. Just as you saw them doing it when we were playing.

语法点拨:saw them doing it中的doing it是现在分词短语做宾语them的补足语。Sees是感管动词,它之后有宾语,后面接动词的时候,可以接do something,也可以接doing something。区别在于see这个动作发生的时候,宾语的动作是否正在发生。是正在发生的话,就用doing something,是已经完成的话,就用do something。

3. Oliver held up the bottom of the pocket with one hand, as he had seen the Dodger hold it, and pulled the handkerchief lightly out of it with the other.

写作语库:hold up:举起;抬起;提起 the button of the pocket:口袋底部 with one hand:用一只手 pull something out of:从......拉扯出来

短语精讲:hold up是一个固定短语,它其中之一的意思就是文中的意思,表示“举起;抬起;提起”这个动作。例如:He held up his hand in amazement. 他惊骇地举起了手。Hold it up so that we can see it. 把它举起来让我们看看。

4. Here it is, sir, "said Oliver, showing it in his hand.

语法点拨:showing it in his hand是现在分词短语做伴随状况状语。在Oliver说话的同时,伴有“展示他手中的手帕”这个动作。

写作语库:in one’s hand:在某人的手中

5. "You"re a clever boy, my dear, "said the old gentleman, putting his hand on Oliver"s head.

语段点拨:putting his hand on Oliver"s head是现在分词短语做伴随状况状语。在Fagin说话的这个时候,同时把手放在Oliver的头上。

写作语库:put one’s hand on one’s head:把手放在某人的头上

6. If you go on like this, you"ll be the greatest man in London.

短语精讲:go on是固定短语,意思是“继续”。表示继续做某事,有两种表达方式,一个是“go on with something”,一个是“go on doing something”。例如:

Are you rested enough to go on? 你是否歇够了可以接着干了?

You're trying to put me off, please go on with the story. 你是在想法转移目标,还是接着讲你的故事吧。

If we go on doing this and keep it up for several years, that will be just about right. 这样地做下去,做他几年,也就差不多了。

7. Now come here and I"ll show you how to take the marks out of handkerchieves...

短语精讲:take something out of:把......从......除去(清除)

词汇精讲:mark在这里是“污点”的意思,做为这个意思,它是“可数名词”。例如:Who made these dirty marks on my new book?谁把我的新书弄上了这些污迹?




