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点此下载: 七年级英语第一学期期中考试试题5及答案

( )2. A:father B: mother C:brother D:teacher
( )3 .A:fourteen B: fifteen C:thirteen D:fifty
( )4 .A:Good morning , teacher B: How are you ?
C:And you ? D:Fine , thank you .
( )5. A:Goodbye, class. B: Goodbye, teacher
C:Hello ! Jim D:I’m fine ,too.
( )6. A:Yes, I can B:Yes, I am C:No , he can’t
( )7. A:His name is Jim B: Her name is Alice C:My name is Lucy.
( )8. A:Yes , she is B: No , I’m not C:No, he isn’t.
( )9. A:That is a ruler B: It’s a ruler C:Yes , it’s a ruler
( )10.A:Yes, I do. B:No , he doesn’t C:Yes, she can
( )11.What can Daming play ?
A:He can play basketball B:He can play football C:He can play table tennis
( )12.What does the boy’s mother do ?
A:She is a doctor B: She is a factory worker C:She is a teacher .
( )13.Who can speak English well?
A:Li Ying B: Jack C:Li Ying and Jack
( )14.Who is Jim ?
A:He is Tina’s brother B: He is Bill’s friend C:He is Bill’s brother
( )15.How old is the girl?
A:She is twelve B: She is thirteen C:She is eleven

Personal Information
Name: Age: From: Hobby: Can do :
16 17 18 19 20
( )16.A:Li B:Jia C:Li Jia
( )17.A:14 B: 13 C:12
( )18.A:England B: China C:America
( )19.A:Music B: Football C:Basketball
( )20.A:Swim B: Dance C:Play the piano
( )21. —Good morning . —
A:Fine B: Thank you C:Good morning D:Hi
( )22. — is this cap ? — It’s yellow.
A:What B: Who C:What color D:How
( )23. — do you spell “black” ? — B-L-A-C-K
A:Can B: What C: How D:Who
( )24. —Do you like , Sam ? — Yes , I do.
A:sing B: singing C:dance D:run
( )25. — the weather in winter? — It’s very cold.
A:What , like B: What’s , like C: How’s , like D:How . /
( )26. —What’s name?— name is Lucy.
A:you ,my B: your, Your C: my , My D:your , My
( )27. —I’m from . I’m .
A:China ,Chinese B: England, China
C:Chinese ,English D:England, Chinese
( )28. —In England , the given name is and the is last.
A:last ,family name B:first, given name
C:last , given name D:first, family name
( )29. —We are Class Six.
A:at B:in C:of D:on
( )30. —Hello , Li Lei .Nice to meet you . —Hello ,Wei Hua.
A:Nice to meet you , too B:How are you ?
C:How do you do? D:How old are you ?
( )31. —Where are you from?—
A:I’m China B:I’m Chinese
C:I’m from China D:I’m in China
( )32.—This is Jack and this is Betty. — Welcome our class.
A:for B:at C:to D:of
( )33.—Can you ? — Yes , I can .I play it very well.
A:play piano B:play the piano
C:play a piano D:playing the piano
( )34.My mother is English teacher in university in Beijing.
A:a , an B:an , an C:an , a D:the , the
( )35.— my coat ? —It’s on the chair.
A:Where’s B:What’s C:Who’s D:How is
点此下载: 七年级英语第一学期期中考试试题5及答案




