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  Vocabulary & Idioms

  Dialog A:

  1. Department store 3.son 5.idea

  Dialog B: 2.dress 3.think 5.let 6.measurement 7.over there over here

  8.fitting room 9.corner

  二. grammar notes

  Dialog A

  1. Can you help me, please?

  Can you do me a favor. Please?

  Do me a favor, please?

  Can you give me a hand, please?

  Please give me a hand.

  I need your help.

  Eg. A: Will you do me a favor?= will you help me?

  B: I need move this table over there. Can you give me a hand?

  Eg. A: let me give you a hand with the box=let me help you with the box.

  B: thanks a lot.

  2. I’m looking for a gift for my son’s birthday.

  I’m going to buy a necklace for my wife’s birthday.

  I’m going to buy a necklace as my wife’s birthday gift.

  I’ll give my friend a book for her birthday.

  I’ll give my friend a book as her birthday gift.

  3. that’s a good idea.

  That sounds like a good idea.

  Sounds like a good idea.

  Sounds good.

  Sounds great.

  Eg. A: Let’s take a walk in the park.

  B: that’s a good idea.

  After work. Let’s take a walk.

  Let’s go for a walk after work.

  After the movie. Let’s take a walk.

  Dialog B:

  1. Excuse me. Ma’am. Could (can) you tell me the way to the train station?

  Good evening. Sir, may I help you?

  We have a shirt your size.

  I’m sorry. We don’t have any shoes your size.

  Or. We don’t have shoes in your size.

  2. I think so.

  I think that we have a blue dress in your size. (I think that we have a blue dress your size).

  Eg. A: is this umbrella yours?

  B: I think so. ( I think this umbrella is mine).

  Eg. A: are we going to be late?

  B: I don’t think so. (I think not)

  ( I don’t think we are going to be late.)

  3. Let’s me take your measurements

  4. How about this dress over here?

  The book you are looking for is over here.

  Jack is next to door over there.’s in the corner over there.

  In the corner

  On the corner

  Around the corner.

  Helen is sitting in the corner of the room.

  What are you doing in the corner over there.

  There is a groceries store on the corner.

  Mary lives around the corner.

  四. substitution.

  1. Can you help me, please?

  Can you do me a favor, please?

  Can you give me a hand, please?

  2. That’s a good idea.

  That sounds like a good idea.

  Sounds like a good idea.

  3. Do you have a blue dress my size?

  Do you have a blue dress her size?

  4. How about the dress over there?

  How about the dress over there?

  5. It’s in the corner over there.

  It’s on the corner over there.

  It’s around the corner over there.

  There is a groceries store around the corner.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
measurement ['meʒəmənt]


n. 测量,衡量,尺寸,大小

necklace ['neklis]


n. 项链





