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来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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  Where were we last time?

  Do you have a big pair? A pair of pants a pair of jean a pair of shorts a pair of glasses a pair of scissors miser can you show me some high heel?

  These are too high, do you have a low ones?

  These mamgoes are delicious,especially the red ones.

  Jack wants a new bike, but he doesnt have enough money to buy one.

  Do these socks fit? This jacket fit you very well.

  To stay fit you have to exercise everyday.

  I am afraid that we have no your size.

  I am afraid that I had some bad news for you.

  I am afraid that we don't have what you want.

  Do you have these shoes in size eight? Sure here you are.

  Do you have a big pair? Do you have a smaller pair? Can you show me some high heeled shoes? Can you show me some sunglasses? They dont fit me. They arent my size. I am afraid we dont have your size. I am afraid I cant help you.

  You have to exercise everyday. That pair fit well size shame

  We dont have these shoes in size 10. I want to a pair of dark glasses.

  Well, what a pretty gril she is!

  Gee,what a shame you cant come.

  These are nice shoes, but I will buy a cheep ones.

  These shoes are too small. They dont fit.

  I am afraid I don't have enough money.

  I have two apples, which one do you want?

  Do you have jean that will fit me?

  What size do you wear?

  I don't know, can I try this on? They are too small.

  How about this? I am afraid they are too big.

  Which ones should i try on?

  Just wait please.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
miser ['maizə]


n. 守财奴,吝啬鬼

cant [kænt]


n. 倾斜,斜面,斜角 n. 伪善之言,黑话 v. (使

scissors ['sizəz]


n. 剪刀





