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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


I.听力部分 (15分)(共15小题,每小题1分)
1. What does the man think of the cake?
A. Delicious B. Not very good C. Bad
2. Who is in hospital?
A. Tom's sister B. Tom C. Betty
3. What caused the man's headache?
A. Too little sleep B. The hat C. The sun
4. When will the two speakers get to Beijing?
A. At 8:30 B. At 8:50 C. At 9:00
5. Why didn't the woman come on time for the meeting?
A. She got up late B. The bus was late
C. She forgot the time
6. Why did Tom look happy?
A. He passed the English exam.
B. He passed the math exam.
C. He passed the Chinese exam.
7. Why did Mary look worried?
A. She didn't pass the Chinese exam.
B. She'll have the Chinese exam.
C. She is afraid she can't pass the math exam.
8. What is the woman looking for?
A. A pair of glasses. B. A book. C. A pair of gloves.
9. How much does the woman pay for the gloves?
A. Five dollars and twenty cents. B. Five dollars.
C. Twenty-five dollars.
10.Which sport do the two speakers both like?
A. Volleyball. B. Basketball. C. Football.
11.How old are the two speakers now?
A. 9 and 11. B. 13 and 15. C. 11 and 14.
12.Who gave the two speakers football lessons?
A. Mr. Hu B. Mr. Smith C. Mr. Read

13.Why did Mr. Green come to China?
A. His mother worked here. B. He lived in China
C. He likes to work here
14.What's Mr. Green?
A. He is an English teacher. B. He is a businessman.
C. He is a bus driver.
15.How does he learn Chinese?
A. He learns it by himself. B. His friends teaches him.
C. He goes to classes every week.

II.单项选择 (15分)(共15小题,每小题1分)

16.Mr. White treated the girl _______his own daughter.
A. as B. for C. like D. as if
17.------ Let me introduce myself. I'm your new teacher, Mr. Chen.
------ ________.
A. What a pleasure B. It's my pleasure
C. I'm very pleased D. Pleased to meet you
18. ------ Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?
------ I don't know,________.
A. nor don't I care B. nor do I care
C. I don't care neither D.I don't care also
19.Though he lived______, he didn't feel ____ because he has many friends.
A. alone; alone B. lonely; alone
C. lonely; lonely D. alone; lonely
20.If we say someone is smart, we mean that he is ______ in mind and action.
A. quick B. fast C. soon D. rapid
21.The teacher said that Tom's composition was well written _____ a few spelling mistakes.
A. but B. besides C. except for D. except
22.The teacher is very glad that the majority of his students_____ to college.
A. has gone B. have gone
C. has been D. have been
23.Don't forget _____ off the lights before you _____ the classroom.
A. turning; will leave B. to turn; leave
C. turning; leave D. to turn; will leave
24._____ he had at the seaside during his summer holidays!
A. What a fun B. How funny
C. What fun D. How good time
25. ------ Do you like to go for a walk?
------- Yes, I prefer it_____.
A. to stay home B. staying home
C. stay home D. to staying home
26. I consider him _______.
A. being honest B. as honest man
C. working hard D. to be honest

重点单词   查看全部解释    
majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

composition [.kɔmpə'ziʃən]


n. 作文,著作,组织,合成物,成份


关键字: 高一 期中 英语




