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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


一. 听力 (共14 小题,每小题1.5分, 满分21分)
第一节 听下面五段对话, 每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the man want?
A. Four bags of rice B.Four pounds of milk C. Four packets of tea
2. How does the man's apple taste?
A. fresh B. Not too fresh C. Not a bit fresh
3.Why can't the man ride the bike?
A. Because it is broken
B. Because the woman doesn't want him to ride.
C. Because it has just been painted brown
4. How did the woman go to the zoo yesterday?
A. By bus B. In Jack's car C By bike
5. What has happened to the woman?
A. She has just fallen down from a big tree and hurt her back.
B.She has fallen off the bed and hurt her back
C.She has hurt her arm
第二节 听下面三段对话,每段对话读两遍
6.What birthday present do they decide to buy?
A. A picture book B. A volleyball C. A football
7. How much money do the two speakers have altogether?
A. 9 dollars B. 14 dollars C. 15 dollars
8. Why don't they buy Alice a picture book?
A. Because she doesn't like drawing at all.
B.Because she has lots of picture books in her room
C.Because she has lots of books and her birthday present last year was a book
9. Where is Black going next Sunday?
A. The history museum B. Zhongshan zoo C. The restaurant
10. Who visit the history museum?
A. All the visitors coming to the city
B. A lot of students from the city
C. Black and Jean and other friends
11. What does Jean think of the restaurant in the city?
A. the restaurants are big and have some food
B. The food in some restaurants is great
C. All the restaurants are great
12. When did the dialogue take place?
A. Tuesday B.Wednesday C. Thursday
13. Why was the woman late that morning?
A. The bus service(公交服务)was very bad
B. It was raining
C. Her watch was broken
14.What happened to Miss Black Tuesday?
A. She was ill and the doctor was terrible
B. She had to wait for a long time at the doctor's
C. She couldn't take a taxi
15.It is important for us ______ a discussion now so that we can do it better.
A. have B. to have C. had D. having
16. Yesterday morning we were about to leave ______ it began to rain.
A. when B. while D. before
17. It is too far away from here and we will be feeling very tired. Let's ______ a
taxi, shall we?
A. buy B. drive C. have D. take
18. Please say "Hello" ______ your friend, Mary, for me when you see her.
A. for B. of C. to D. on
19. It is already ten o'clock. I'm going to the airport to ______.
A. see her off B. send him off
C. see Tom out D. send Tony out
20. My brother Bob likes fishing, and ______.
A. Jim so does B. Jim does so
C. so Jim does D. so does Jim
21. John, I want to ______ my friend Mary to you.
A. tell B. say C. introduce D. know
22. The ______ language is different from the ______ language.
A. spoken; writing B. speaking; written
C. speaking; writing D. spoken; written
23. The little girl is already seven and ______ to go to school.
A. enough young B. young enough C. enough old D. old enough
24. -What can I do for you?
-Two hamburgers and a cup of milk.
-Yes. Chips, please.
A. Are the hamburgers yours B. Anything else
C. Are you all right D. Once more, please
25. He stepped into the office, ___down and began to work at once.
A. sitting B. to sit C. having sat D. sat 

关键字: 英语 高一 期中




