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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第11章Part 2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Run!" he said."快跑!"他说。
"You run," said Sethe. "I been on my feet all day.""你跑吧,"塞丝道,"我立了一整天了。"
"Where I been? Sitting down?" and he pulled her along."我在哪儿呢?坐着吗?"他一路拽着她。
"Stop! Stop!" she said. "I don't have the legs for this.""站住!站住!"她说,"我的腿可干不了这个。"
"Then give em to me," he said and beforeshe knew it he had backed into her, hoisted her on his back and was running down the road pastbrown fields turning white."那就交给我吧。"他说道。还没等她回过味来,他已经退到她身下,用后背驮起她,在大路上跑起来,跑过开始变得洁白的褐色田野。
Breathless at last, he stopped and she slid back down on her own two feet, weak from laughter.他终于上气不接下气地停住了,她滑下来站稳,都笑瘫了。
"You need some babies, somebody to play with in the snow." Sethe secured her headcloth."你的确需要些娃娃,跟你一块儿在雪里玩。"塞丝整理好头巾。
Paul D smiled and warmed his hands with his breath. "I sure would like to give it a try. Need awilling partner though."保罗·D边笑边呵着气暖和双手。"我当然想试他一家伙。只是还需要个自愿的合作者。"
"I'll say," she answered. "Very, very willing.""我会说,"塞丝回答道,"非常、非常愿意。"
It was nearly four o'clock now and 124 was half a mile ahead. Floating toward them, barely visiblein the drifting snow, was a figure, and although it was the same figure that had been meeting Sethefor four months, so complete was the attention she and Paul D were paying to themselves theyboth felt a jolt when they saw her close in.快四点了,离124号还有半英里路。一个人影向他们飘来,在纷扬的雪花里隐约可见;尽管这同一个形象四个月来一直每天迎接塞丝,可是她和保罗·D正在如此忘情地专注于彼此,看见她在近前出现,都不禁心中一凛。

"Run!" he said.
"You run," said Sethe. "I been on my feet all day."
"Where I been? Sitting down?" and he pulled her along.
"Stop! Stop!" she said. "I don't have the legs for this."
"Then give em to me," he said and beforeshe knew it he had backed into her, hoisted her on his back and was running down the road pastbrown fields turning white.
Breathless at last, he stopped and she slid back down on her own two feet, weak from laughter.
"You need some babies, somebody to play with in the snow." Sethe secured her headcloth.
Paul D smiled and warmed his hands with his breath. "I sure would like to give it a try. Need awilling partner though."
"I'll say," she answered. "Very, very willing."
It was nearly four o'clock now and 124 was half a mile ahead. Floating toward them, barely visiblein the drifting snow, was a figure, and although it was the same figure that had been meeting Sethefor four months, so complete was the attention she and Paul D were paying to themselves theyboth felt a jolt when they saw her close in.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

jolt [dʒəult]


n. 震摇,摇动,颠簸,振奋物,少量 vt. 震摇,敲击

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合





