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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"I won't need him for that. I can make my own acquaintance. What I need him for is to reacquaint me with my children. He can read and write, I reckon?""Sure.""Good, 'cause I got a lot of digging up to do." But the news they dug up was so pitiful she quit."我用不着他介绍。我会自己介绍自己。我需要他做的是把我重新介绍给我的孩子们。我猜,他识文断字吧?""当然。""太好了,我要澄清好多事情。"可是他们澄清的消息少得可怜,她不得不放弃了。
After two years of messages written by the preacher's hand, two years of washing, sewing,canning, cobbling, gardening, and sitting in churches, all she found out was that the Whitlow placewas gone and that you couldn't write to "a man named Dunn" if all you knew was that he wentWest. The good news, however, was that Halle got married and had a baby coming. She fixed onthat and her own brand of preaching, having made up her mind about what to do with the heart thatstarted beating the minute she crossed the Ohio River. And it worked out, worked out just fine,until she got proud and let herself be overwhelmed by the sight of her daughter-in-law and Halle'schildren — one of whom was born on the way — and have a celebration of blackberries that putChristmas to shame. Now she stood in the garden smelling disapproval, feeling a dark and comingthing, and seeing high-topped shoes that she didn't like the look of at all. At all.在牧师替她写了两年的信之后,在两年的浆洗、缝补、做罐头、做鞋、种菜和去教堂之后,她发现的只是:惠特娄的地方已经没了,而且,也没法给"一个叫丹的男人"写信,如果你知道的只是他去了西部。不管怎么说,好消息总还有:黑尔结了婚,就快有个孩子了。从此,她便把精力集中在那件事,以及她自己用来布道的标志上面,决心用她那刚一过俄亥俄河就开始跳动的心来做点什么。而且它行得通,很行得通,直到她开始骄傲,见到她的儿媳妇和黑尔的孩子们——其中一个出生在路上——就忘乎所以,还举办了一个让圣诞节逊色的黑莓庆祝会。现在她站在菜园里,嗅着非难气味,感觉到了一个黑压压赶来的东西,并看见了那双绝对不讨她喜欢的高靿鞋。绝对不喜欢。
WHEN THE four horsemen came — schoolteacher, one nephew, one slave catcher and a sheriff— the house on Bluestone Road was so quiet they thought they were too late. Three of themdismounted, one stayed in the saddle, his rifle ready, his eyes trained away from the house to theleft and to the right, because likely as not the fugitive would make a dash for it. Althoughsometimes, you could never tell, you'd find them folded up tight somewhere: beneath floorboards,in a pantry — once in a chimney. Even then care was taken, because the quietest ones, the onesyou pulled from a press, a hayloft, or, that once, from a chimney, would go along nicely for two orthree seconds. Caught red-handed, so to speak, they would seem to recognize the futility ofoutsmarting a whiteman and the hopelessness of outrunning a rifle. Smile even, like a child caught dead with his hand in the jelly jar, and when you reached for the rope to tie him, well, even thenyou couldn't tell. The very nigger with his head hanging and a little jelly-jar smile on his facecould all of a sudden roar, like a bull or some such, and commence to do disbelievable things. Grabthe rifle at its mouth; throw himself at the one holding it — anything. So you had to keep back apace, leave the tying to another. Otherwise you ended up killing what you were paid to bring backalive. Unlike a snake or a bear, a dead nigger could not be skinned for profit and was not worth hisown dead weight in coin.四个骑马的人——"学校老师"、一个侄子、一个猎奴者和一个警官——到来的时候,蓝石路上的这所房子这么安静,他们以为自己来得太迟了。三个人下了马,一个留在鞍子上,枪上膛,眼睛从左到右扫视着房子,因为说不定有个逃犯会狗急跳墙的。尽管有些时候,你怎么也拿不准,你会发现他们在什么地方蜷缩着:地板下、壁橱里——有一次是在烟囱里。甚至那些时候,也得多加小心,即使最老实的那些,那些你从橱柜、干草堆,或者那回,从烟囱里拉出来的,也只会听两三秒钟的话。这么说吧,被当场捉获后,他们会假装认识到了哄骗白人的无益和逃脱枪口的无望,甚至还像小孩子手腕在果酱罐里被人牢牢抓住时那样笑。可当你拿绳子来捆他的时候,唉,甚至到那时候你也看不出来。就是那个垂头丧气、面带一丝果酱罐讪笑的黑鬼,会像头公牛一样冷不防大吼大叫起来,开始去做令人难以置信的事情。抓住枪管;扑向猎奴者——什么都干得出来。所以你必须退后一步,让另一个人来捆。不然,末了你会杀了他,可你本来是被雇佣去活捉他的。不像一条蛇或一只熊,一个丧了命的黑奴可不能剥了皮换钱,死尸也值不了几个子儿。

"I won't need him for that. I can make my own acquaintance. What I need him for is to reacquaint me with my children. He can read and write, I reckon?""Sure.""Good, 'cause I got a lot of digging up to do." But the news they dug up was so pitiful she quit.
After two years of messages written by the preacher's hand, two years of washing, sewing,canning, cobbling, gardening, and sitting in churches, all she found out was that the Whitlow placewas gone and that you couldn't write to "a man named Dunn" if all you knew was that he wentWest. The good news, however, was that Halle got married and had a baby coming. She fixed onthat and her own brand of preaching, having made up her mind about what to do with the heart thatstarted beating the minute she crossed the Ohio River. And it worked out, worked out just fine,until she got proud and let herself be overwhelmed by the sight of her daughter-in-law and Halle'schildren — one of whom was born on the way — and have a celebration of blackberries that putChristmas to shame. Now she stood in the garden smelling disapproval, feeling a dark and comingthing, and seeing high-topped shoes that she didn't like the look of at all. At all.
WHEN THE four horsemen came — schoolteacher, one nephew, one slave catcher and a sheriff— the house on Bluestone Road was so quiet they thought they were too late. Three of themdismounted, one stayed in the saddle, his rifle ready, his eyes trained away from the house to theleft and to the right, because likely as not the fugitive would make a dash for it. Althoughsometimes, you could never tell, you'd find them folded up tight somewhere: beneath floorboards,in a pantry — once in a chimney. Even then care was taken, because the quietest ones, the onesyou pulled from a press, a hayloft, or, that once, from a chimney, would go along nicely for two orthree seconds. Caught red-handed, so to speak, they would seem to recognize the futility ofoutsmarting a whiteman and the hopelessness of outrunning a rifle. Smile even, like a child caught dead with his hand in the jelly jar, and when you reached for the rope to tie him, well, even thenyou couldn't tell. The very nigger with his head hanging and a little jelly-jar smile on his facecould all of a sudden roar, like a bull or some such, and commence to do disbelievable things. Grabthe rifle at its mouth; throw himself at the one holding it — anything. So you had to keep back apace, leave the tying to another. Otherwise you ended up killing what you were paid to bring backalive. Unlike a snake or a bear, a dead nigger could not be skinned for profit and was not worth hisown dead weight in coin.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

sheriff ['ʃerif]


n. 郡治安官,郡长

dash [dæʃ]


v. 猛冲,猛掷,泼溅
n. 猛冲,破折号,冲

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

disapproval [.disə'pru:vəl]


n. 不赞成

rifle ['raifl]


n. 步枪
v. 洗劫,抢劫

chimney ['tʃimni]


n. 烟囱

acquaintance [ə'kweintəns]


n. 熟人,相识,了解

saddle ['sædl]


n. 鞍,车座,山脊,拖具
vt. 装以马鞍,

futility [fju:'tiliti]


n. 无用,无益,无价值





