Beijing Bureau of Statistics says that the city has seen a steady decline in the growth rate of permanent residents in the city in the past five years.
the growth rate of permanent residents是常住人口增速。
常住人口(permanent residents)增速(growth rate)平稳下降既与北京经济社会发展有关,也与北京产业结构调整(industrial restructuring)、非首都功能的疏解(relocation of certain non-administrative functions outside the capital),以及生活成本、交通成本的提升(rise of living and commuting costs)有关。
约57%的常住人口聚集在三环至六环间(live between the third ring road and the sixth ring road),约一半的常住人口分布在五环以外(live in residential areas outside the fifth ring road)。
2014年北京市常住人口为2150万人,其中全市常住外来人口(permanent living migrants from other cities)为810万人。
报告表示,北京市中心区的压力正逐渐向发展新区(new development zones)转移(transfer)。但是学校、医院等公共服务资源仍集中在首都中心城区(city center)。公共资源的聚集和分布不均(uneven distribution of these public resources),带来了交通(congestion)、环境(environmental issues)和众多社会问题。