Death underground
The tragedy in Soma will also be felt in politics
TURKEY'S prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, faces public fury after the country's worst-ever industrial accident. At least 282 miners died after an explosion at the Soma mine in the western province of Manisa on May 13th. Rescue workers battled to rescue hundreds more feared to be trapped in galleries where fires continued to rage. More than 350 were saved. Taner Yildiz, the energy minister, declined to say exactly many people were inside the mine when the accident happened.
在土耳其发生了最惨痛的工业事故后,总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)面临着民众的暴怒。自5月13日在土耳其西部马尼萨省的索玛煤矿发生一起爆炸事故之后,至少有282名矿工死亡。救援人员奋力抢救被困于地道的数百名群众,而这个地道的火势还在不断增大。逾350人被成功营救。当事故发生后,土耳其能源部长塔内尔·耶尔德兹 (Taner Yildiz) 拒绝公布身处在矿井内部的准确矿工人数。

A stream of dead miners, faces blackened by coal, were pulled out, as crowds of stricken relatives strained to identify loved ones. “Our hopes are fading,” Mr Yildiz conceded. Most of the dead were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning. The government announced three days of national mourning. Mr Erdogan cancelled a trip to Albania to go to Soma, where he pledged a thorough investigation, was booed, and sought refuge in a shop, only to scuffle with furious protesters.
The Soma accident will focus new attention on Turkey's dismal coal-mining safety record. Nearly 600 miners have died since 1983, before this week. “Eighty percent of these could have been avoided if necessary safety measures had been taken,” fumed Mahmut Arslan, chairman of the Hak Is workers' confederation. “The priority is not safety but profitability.” Turkey's economy is energy-hungry: the bill for energy imports is second to China's.
索玛事故将重新聚焦土耳其煤矿安全的惨淡记录。在这周之前,自1983年起已有将近600名矿工丧生。“如果采取一些必要的安全措施,这些人中的80%可能会避免遇难,”工人联合会Hak Is的主席Mahmut Arslan气愤的说道。“当务之急不是安全而是收益问题。”土耳其是能源匮乏的经济模式:能源进口量仅次于中国。
The labour ministry gave the Soma mine a clean bill of health in March. On a visit last year, Mr Yildiz heaped praise on it. Yet Ozgur Ozel, a deputy from the opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), petitioned the parliament in April to launch fresh inspections, saying he had been inundated with complaints from his constituents about safety conditions. His bid was rejected by Mr Erdogan's Justice and Development (AK) party. Citing European figures from the mid-19th century, Mr Erdogan insisted such accidents were “natural” and happened “all over the world”. In so doing he “revealed the truth that we [Turkey] are a century behind the times,” tweeted Sezin Oney, a liberal commentator.
劳动部于3月份给出了一份索玛矿井的安全问题的详细清单。在去年的一次视察中,Yildiz对此矿井还给予了高度赞扬。然而一位来自反共和党的代表Ozgur Ozel,请求国会于4月份进行一次新的视察,他说他总是收到他的选民关于安全设施问题的投诉。他的请求遭到了埃尔多安的正义与发展党(AK党)的拒绝。引证19世纪中期欧洲的数据统计,埃尔多安坚持认为这种事故是“自然的”并且发生在“世界各地”。他这样做“暴露出了我们(土耳其)生活的时代落后于当前一个世纪,”一个自由评论员Sezin Oney在他的推文上这样说。
The disaster may yet unleash more mass protests of the kind that rocked Turkey last summer. These were prompted by government plans to build a shopping mall over Gezi park in Istanbul. Hundreds of protesters have already clashed with police, calling the Soma accident “murder” and demanding that the government resign. In the Istanbul metro commuters played dead on platform floors in solidarity with the miners. The trade unions and the pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party separately called for a nationwide strike on May 15th. All this is unwelcome news for Mr Erdogan who, buoyed by AK's big win in the March 30th local elections, has set his sights on the Turkish presidency when it comes up for grabs in August.
His critics, now led by Fethullah Gulen, Turkey's most influential Muslim cleric, who commands an empire of schools and media outlets from self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, will seize on the Soma tragedy. A campaign centred on corruption claims linking Mr Erdogan and his family to shady property deals and kickbacks from business cronies is said to have been masterminded by Gulenists in the police and in the judiciary. Mr Erdogan has launched what he admits is “a witch hunt”, demoting and reshuffling hundreds of Gulenists within the bureaucracy.
他的批评者们,如今由Fethullah Gulen——这位土耳其最有影响力的穆斯林传教者领导,他曾掌控宾夕法尼亚各大学校和媒体机构,将紧密关注索玛惨剧。一场围绕腐败的指控发起的运动,据说是由警方和司法部门的葛兰主义者所策划的,而这些指控都将埃尔多安和他的家庭与秘密的房地产交易和从商人密友那收取回扣等事件有染。埃尔多安已发动他所承认的“一个政治迫害”,就是在官僚机构内部对数以百计的葛兰主义者进行降职和调整。
In Soma he warned against “extremists seeking to exploit this tragedy.” Yet even pro-AK commentators have called for the energy and labour ministers to go.
在索玛,然而即使前AK党评论员已经要求能源和劳工部长们前去矿难现场。他仍警告那些“试图利用这次矿难的极端分子。” 译者:张娣 校对:王红兵