1. come up 走近;走到跟前;
例句:Her catcame upand rubbed itself against their legs.
她的猫跑上前来,在他们腿上蹭来蹭去 。
2. convince sb. to do sth. 说服;劝服;
例句:I've been trying toconvincehimtocome with me.
我一直在说服他与我一起过来 。
3. be allowed to do sth. 允许;容许;准许;
例句:The animalsare allowed towander at will in the park.
这些动物可以在公园里随意走动 。
4. get tired of 厌烦的;厌倦的;
例句:You neverget tired ofhearing this story.
这个故事百听不厌 。
n. 运输,运输系统,运输工具