A stone tank in which to keep live fish bait.
And since we know that some of houses had drains underneath them,
so they must also, believe it or not,have had indoor toilets.Luxuries?
那么无论你相信与否 它们也有了室内卫生间 奢饰品又为何物呢
The orthopaedically correct stone bed may not seem particularly luxurious,
一张中规中矩的石床 或许算不得极尽奢华
but the addition layers of heather and straw would have softened the sleeping surface
但在上面铺上这石楠丛与稻草 却能使床面变得柔软舒适
and would have made this bed seem rather snug.
At the centre of it all, though,was this spectacular dresser
放置在一切陈设中心的 是美轮美奂的梳妆台
on which our house-proud neolithic villagers would set out all their most precious stuff.
讲究的新石器时期屋主 将所有家珍在此悉数摆出
Fine bone and ivory necklaces,beautifully rolled and carved stone objects,
精美的骨头和象牙项链 与精雕细琢的石器
everything designed to make a grand interior statement.
Given the rudimentary nature of their tools,
it would have taken countless man-hours to build not only these domestic dwellings
定花费了数不尽的人力与时间 不仅建造了这些民宅
but also the great circles of stone where they would have gathered to worship.
还有那些他们围起来的 供以祭祀膜拜的巨石圈
So Skara Brae wasn't just an isolated settlement of fishers and farmers.
看来斯卡拉布雷并不只是 渔夫和农民与世隔绝的世外桃源
Its people must have belonged to some larger society,
one sophisticated enough to mobilise the army of toilers and craftsmen,
人员组成复杂到足以动员起 劳工与工匠所组成的大军
needed not just to make these monuments,but to stand them on end.
不仅能建造起这些庞然大物 还将其立置起来