Two ceremonies took place on Lammas Day,1087, at Old Sarum.
1087年的收获节期间 两项典礼在老塞勒姆举行
First, every noble in England gathered here to take an oath of loyalty to the king.
首先 英格兰的所有贵族都聚集于此 向国王宣誓效忠
Then came the handing over of the Book,the ultimate weapon to keep them in line.
之后 开始《末日审判书》的交付 这是让这些贵族老老实实的最致命的武器
Now nobody could hold back anything,and it was this book,
如今 再没人能隐瞒任何事 也正因这本书
the Domesday Book,that made the gathering at Old Sarum unique in the history of feudal monarchy in Europe.
《末日审判书》让这老塞勒姆集会 在欧洲封建君主制的历史上 画上了独一无二的一笔
For the Book ultimately was England.
正是这本书 最终缔造了英格兰
For centuries after,this was the secret of English government,
之后的几个世纪里 这本书都是英格兰政府的最高机密
a partnership between the power of the landed classes and the authority of the state,
它是地主阶级势力 与国家权力
between the guardians of the green acres and the keepers of knowledge.
即农田的监管者与信息掌握者的 合作之契约
In the right hand corner, the gentry;in the left hand corner, the civil service.In between them, the eternal umpire, The King.
右上角是 贵族们 左上角是 政府行政机构 夹在中间的是永恒的仲裁者 国王
But the umpire was finally feeling the strain of it all.
Not surprising when aged 60,William still couldn't resist playing the warlord.
所以六十岁的威廉 仍无法克制征战的欲望 便不足为奇了
In 1087,he subdued a border dispute in France by totally destroying the town of Mantes.
1087年 他征服了一处和法国有争议的边境 彻底摧毁了芒特镇
But perhaps this last devastation was one too many,
for a flaming timber from a house burned by his soldiers fell right in front of the king.
由威廉的士兵所点燃一间房屋的木梁 砸到了国王面前
William's horse suddenly bucked,throwing the now overweight king violently against his saddle,his gut taking the force of the blow.
威廉的马突然弓背跃起 把这位肥胖的国王重重的摔下了马鞍 他的身体抗住了这次意外落马
Mortally wounded,William was taken to a priory at Rouen.
由于精神受到惊吓 威廉被送至鲁昂的一个小修道院