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美语情景对话 第976期:Work on the Go 忙碌工作

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Julia: So talking of working overseas, how does that work? How do set that kind of lifestyle up?

Todd: You mean like the nomadic lifestyle?
Julia: Yeah, yeah, when you want to travel and just be free and how do you go about that?
Todd: Well, it's interesting. Like I think people get the wrong idea about working that type of life, being like a nomad. First of all you're actually not a tourist and in a lot of ways you're not a traveler. Like I actually worked and oddly enough, you know when I was just traveling and just living from city to city and working digitally from my computer, I put in more than forty hours a week. I actually probably put in maybe fifty or sixty because I had so much time. I had nothing to do usually so I would work usually five to six days a week and usually ten hours a day. So the first thing is that you work a lot and because you work a lot, you have to look for places that are conductive, conducive I'm sorry, that are conducive for working. So the first thing you need is you need a hotel or like usually a short term apartment because it's usually best to stay in one place for about a month and you need a place that has a good desk and a good chair. I cannot emphasize the importance of a good chair. A good chair is actually so much more important than cable TV or a nice bed or a pool or whatever because you're going to sit in the chair all the time. So when I would travel, I would go to a hotel and the first thing I would ask is can I see...
Julia: The chair?
Todd: Can I see the chairs in the room and if I didn't like the chair, I'd say like look I'm going to be here for two weeks I'll stay but you gotta get me like a nice chair. So that was one thing. So usually you want to get like a short-term housing. You look on the internet, you know, two weeks at a time and usually you can find something cheap. You usually want to be in a major city because you need to have internet and that is the most important thing. You'd be surprised at what countries have fast internet. Like Vietnam really fast and you can work wireless from the beach. I used to sit on the beach with my laptop and have high speed wireless in some of the cities in Vietnam.
Julia: Wow.
Todd: Yeah, it's amazing. You know, Thailand, Bangkok, it's surprisingly not that fast. So Bangkok wasn't that fast but if you went to a smaller city like Chiang Mai, the internet was really fast.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
nomad ['nəumæd]


n. 游牧部落一员,流浪者

nomadic [nəu'mædik]


adj. 游牧的,游牧民族的,流浪的

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

bicker ['bikə]


vi. 斗嘴,闪烁,发出潺潺声 n. 口角,争吵,潺潺流

conducive [kən'dju:siv]


adj. 有助于 ... 的

emphasize ['emfəsaiz]


vt. 强调,着重


关键字: 工作 情景对话 美语




