Cromwell, meanwhile, stepped up his assault on the old religion
同时 克伦威尔对旧教开始了进一步攻击
with a series of fierce injunctions, enforcing royal supremacy and crushing the cult of saints and shrines.
他颁布了一系列法令 强制推行"王权之上" 打压圣人祭仪与圣祠
The Becket shrine in Canterbury, the richest in the land,was vandalised and ransacked.
最富裕的坎特伯雷的贝克特圣祠 也惨遭破坏并被洗劫一空
The following year, 1537,Henry, with a new wife, Jane Seymour,
次年 即1537年 亨利和他的新婚妻子珍·西摩尔
celebrated the longed for arrival of a son, Edward.
But twelve days later, mourned the death of his new queen.
但新皇后仅12天后 便不幸去世
At Walsingham, the statue of the Virgin was burned.
在沃尔辛厄姆 圣母雕像被烧毁
Henry's account book for that year contains the following bald statement:
那年 亨利的收支账簿上 包含了如下记载
Payment for the king's great candle at Walsingham.Salary for the abbot - nil.
国王于沃尔辛厄姆的蜡烛支出 修道院院长支薪 无
But then, a remarkable thing happened.
但随后 发生了转机
The king decided enough was enough and tried to put the genie back in its bottle.
国王决定 已经够了 是时候适可而止了
An instinctive conservative,he'd been angered and alarmed by the passions that religious controversy had aroused.
出于本能的保守 他被宗教争论的狂热惹怒 并从中警醒
And he blamed the English Bible.
Instead of being read quietly with silence,the Bible was now being bandied about in acrimonious disputes that raged in ale houses and taverns,
曾经被虔诚默念的《圣经》 如今却被随意谈论 恶言亵渎诋毁 甚至在市井酒馆中引发唇枪舌战
the exact opposite of the respectful scenes promised in Cromwell's Great Bible.
这与克伦威尔的《大圣经》中 所许诺的毕恭毕敬截然相反