第一, 迷你对话
A: He is too conceited and often looks down his nose at everybody.
B: He’s the Governor’s son.
A: Yes, he is. But he himself is nothing.
第二, 地道表达
look down his nose at someone
1. 解词释义
Look down his nose at someone的意思是“看不起某人,轻视,蔑视某人”。
2. 拓展范例
e.g. With a lot of people backing him up, he would naturally be giving himself airs and looking down his nose at everybody.
有人给他撑腰打气, 他自然趾高气扬, 目中无人了。
e.g. If anyone leaves my shop feeling that we’d looked down our noses at them for not buying our products, I would be very ashamed.
第三, 口语短句
He is nothing.