By the mid-1630s,Charles could see no obstacle to consummating the great Stuart plan
等到了17世纪30年代中期 查理发现已经没有任何阻碍 可以阻止他在三个王国同时推行
of harmony across the three kingdoms,whether they wanted it or not.
伟大的斯图亚特王朝的和谐大大业 无论那里的人民接受与否
England was under control,and thanks to the brutal tactics of his Lord Deputy in Ireland,
英格兰被控制在他的铁血政策之下 而这里就不得不提他在爱尔兰的左右手
Charles's other right-hand hard man,Thomas Wentworth, so too was Ireland.
托马斯·温特沃斯 因为他的残暴统治 爱尔兰也尽在掌控之中
That just left Scotland.And in particular its obstinate,cantankerous Presbyterian Kirk.
这样就只剩下苏格兰亟待征服 特别是苏格兰有着极其顽固 且刚愎自用的长老会教廷
It had a galling, and to Charles,completely unacceptable, contempt for the authority of bishops.
他们定会从中作梗 而对于查理 对至高无上的神权的蔑视是绝不能接受的
Charles was determined to break this.
查理心意已决 一定要攻下苏格兰
Then the whole realm could pray and worship as one.
But the obsession with union which so consumed both James and Charles
但是正是这种对于统一的执念 消耗了詹姆斯和查理过多精力
would in the end turn out to guarantee nothing but hatred and division.
使他们最终不但未能完成统一大业 反而导致了民愤和分裂
Charles, born in Dunfermline, was himself Scottish.
出生于邓弗姆林的查理 自己就是苏格兰人
So surely there could be no problem with this?Well, yes, there could.
所以统一理应没有问题 没错 问题还真不少
It had taken Charles eight whole years to even bother travelling to Edinburgh for his Scottish coronation.
查理花了整整八年时间 都没能来到爱丁堡 加冕为苏格兰的国王
He'd become Scotland's very first absentee king,and there would be a price to pay.
他成为了史上第一位没在苏格兰加冕的国王 决心让苏格兰为此付出惨重的代价