Pym now knew he would have to annihilate Strafford if he was to defend parliament from this threat.
皮姆明白消除威胁的唯一办法 就是扳倒斯特拉福德本人
So in the spring of 1641, Strafford was impeached.
因此1641年春 斯特拉福德遭到弹劾
Sick and grey-haired,he proved frustratingly impossible to convict of treason,
病弱苍老的他 因证据不足而无法被裁定为叛国罪
so Pym resorted to an Act of Attainder instead.
This merely required a burden of suspicion.
When Strafford had spoken of an Irish army reducing the kingdom,hadn't he meant England, argued Pym.
斯特拉福德说利用爱尔兰军队吞噬其王国 难道不是指英格兰吗 皮姆以此争辩
But there was one problem:The Act of Attainder needed the signature of the king.
可此时仍欠东风 依褫夺公权法定罪需要国王签字
Poor Charles.Memories of Buckingham must have flooded back into his mind.
可怜的查理 对白金汉的记忆一定又回荡在他脑海中了
For a king obsessed by loyalty,how could he abandon Strafford, his most faithful ally?
作为一位如此看重忠诚的国王 他怎能背弃最忠实的同盟斯特拉福德
It was Strafford himself who spared Charles the agony of indecision.
最终是斯特拉福德本人 将查理从两难抉择中解脱出来
He knew that only his own death could save the king and the country from further upheaval.
他清楚看到只有他的牺牲 才能阻止国王和国家陷入剧变
In a final letter written to Charles,Strafford begged the king to do what had to be done.
在写给查理的绝笔信中 斯特拉福德请求国王做出必要的裁决
May it please your sacred majesty,I understand that the minds of men are more and more incensed against me,
尊敬的陛下 我知道 民众对我的愤怒日益加深
and to set your majesty's conscience at liberty,
I do most humbly beseech your majesty, for preventing of evils that may happen by your refusal, to pass the bill.
我恳请陛下以国家社稷为重 接受议会的提案
Weeping, Charles signed the warrant.
Strafford was led out onto Tower Green,surrounded by jeering crowds, and beheaded.
斯特拉福德被带上格林塔 在众人的嘲讽声中被砍了头