I do not like the quarrel and do heartily wish that the king would yield and consent to what they desire,
我不喜欢战争 并且衷心希望国王投降 接受他们的条件
so that my conscience is only concerned in honour and gratitude to follow my master.
跟随我主出征的唯一原因 只是为了表达尊敬和感激
I have eaten his bread and served him near 30 years and will not do so base a thing as to forsake him.
我蒙他恩惠为他服务差不多30年了 绝不会在此刻卑鄙地弃他不顾
In the third week of August, 1642,Charles raised his standard.The Rubicon had been crossed.
1642年8月的第三个星期 查理举兵 他破釜沉舟决意一战
The honour of holding Charles's personal flag in the battle fell to Sir Edmund Verney.
为查理擎举王旗的光荣任务 落在了埃德蒙·瓦内爵士肩上
He swore only death would prise it from his hands.
By the time the Royalist army arrived at Edgehill,its prospects had been transformed.
到保皇党军队抵达边山时 形势已大有改观
It was now about 20,000 strong,about 14,000 of whom took up position on the ridge in the afternoon of October 22nd.
他们现有精兵两万名 其中一万四千人在10月22日下午 驻扎在了山脊之上
At the top of the hill were the king and his two sons,
Charles, the Prince of Wales,and the nine-year-old James, Duke of York,
查理 威尔士王子 以及九岁的詹姆斯 约克公爵
along with Prince Rupert and his toy poodle, Boy.
It was here that Charles I planted his flag.
就在此地 查理一世竖起了王旗