But in many other cases, the pieces speak of real hardship.
但也有其他的东西 记录了真正的艰辛
They were just the things the mothers found they happened to have on them at the time they had to get rid of the children.
它们只是些 母亲不得不丢弃孩子的时候 碰巧身上所带的物件
Some of these mothers had nothing at the last minute to offer their little babies
有些母亲一无所有 离别的时候 除了一颗坚果
except a nut,a nut meant which was meant to be worn as a pendant.
戴在脖子上的坚果之外 没有别的什么可以赠予孩子了
Look, there's a little hole where the string was supposed to be strung through there.
瞧 这里有个小洞 可以用根绳子穿起来的
Sometimes things which had a little work on them like this beautiful sewn heart there.
有时 一些物件是花了些许心思的 比如这个漂亮的编织心
Or, most desperate of all perhaps,just this flimsy little piece of ribbon.
但大部分都是来自最绝望的母亲的 只是这么一条细小的带子
Imagine a mother on a point saying goodbye for the last time to her baby
想象一下 一个即将与孩子永别的母亲 在分别的最后时刻
just taking a bit of ribbon from her hair or her wrist
and giving it, as she hoped, to her child.
希望能够如其所愿 交到孩子手上
Now, if this wasn't heartbreak enough,
it only gets worse when you know that none of these things ever found their way to the children.
那么若你得知 这些东西根本就没有如她们所愿 送到孩子手里 又会作何感想
And of course, the Foundling Hospital couldn't hope to work miracles overnight.
当然 育婴堂不能一夜之间制造奇迹
Nearly half the babies died in a hast in the first year,
but that was a huge improvement over the usual figures.
但是相比于平常数据 已经有了很大的进步