But just as in 1715,it could be said the Jacobites defeated themselves.
然而就在1715年 詹姆斯二世党人真可谓是自食其果
They didn't do it on the field of battle,
but in this room at Exeter House in Derby,on December 5th, 1745.
而是由于1745年12月5日在德比郡的 埃克塞特楼的这间屋子里犯下了致命错误
The prince and his chiefs argued bitterly whether to go forward or retreat.
王子和他的部落领袖们激烈争论着 到底是该乘胜追击还是收兵回营
"London is just 130 miles away," Said the prince.
伦敦只在130英里之外 王子说道
Move on the capital and the French will come.
攻进首都的话 法国人会来支援我们
Besides, we've got precious little time.
而且 我们的时间也很紧迫
The Redcoats will be back from Europe soon.
"No," Said Lord George Murray,joint commander of the prince's army.
不 王子军队的联合司令 乔治·默里爵士说道
I no longer believe the French are coming.
It's time to cut our losses. It's time to go home.
现在要减少损失 也是时候回家了
This time, the prince lost the vote by a substantial margin.
The Jacobites turned about and headed north,
beginning the long tramp back to Scotland through dreadful winter weather,
开始踏上漫长的归途 在寒冷的冬天举步维艰
pursued by the newly-returned British regiments.
Their retreat turned into a nightmare.
It's hard to know which was more murderous the snows of December and January
很难说到底哪个更为残酷 是冬季里纷飞的暴雪
or the vengeful, pursuing troops of George II's son, the Duke of Cumberland.