And most curiously of all, both have a sixth digit on their forepaws—a kind of ancillarythumb derived from one of the bones of the wrist that helps them hold bamboo stalks for consumption.
These common features led Hu Yibo of the Institute of Zoology, in Beijing, and his colleagues, to wonder if the two vegetarian carnivores also shared genetic modifications that might explain those features.
And, as Dr Hu observes in a paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they do.

To search for such genetic commonalities, Dr Hu and his colleagues compared the DNA of the two pandas with that of four other members of the Carnivora:
polar bears (close relatives of giant pandas), ferrets(close relatives of red pandas), and tigers and dogs (close relatives of neither).
If pandas share features of their DNA with each other, but not with the four comparison species, he reasoned,
then it is likely that those features encode recent adaptations common to the two of them.
Altogether, the team identified 70 genes (out of the 20,000 or so that mammals have) which sport bits of DNA that seemed to be shared.
They also found ten genes which have been disabled by crippling mutations in both of the pandas, but not in the other four species.
Not all of the shared genetic features obviously tied in with the shared peculiaritiesof pandas, but some did.
These fell into three categories: genes affecting anatomy, genes affecting appetite and genes affecting the digestion and metabolism of nutrients.