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来源:经济学人 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Health-care costs are a bigger headache for GM.
  • 医疗成本是通用汽车更头疼的问题。
  • Its workers pay just 4% of their medical costs, a pittance by the standards of corporate America.
  • 其工人仅支付4%的医疗费用,以美国公司的标准来衡量,这是微不足道的。
  • Like other carmakers, GM is desperate for them to foot more of the bill,
  • 与其他汽车制造商一样,通用汽车迫切希望他们承担更多的费用。
  • which is swelling as workers age and American health care grows pricier.
  • 随着工人年龄的增长和美国医疗保健费用的上涨,这些费用也在不断增加。
  • The same rising costs mean that many workers would struggle to pay for treatments out of pocket.
  • 同样的成本上涨意味着许多工人将难以自掏腰包支付治疗费用。
  • But not all Americans will sympathise.
  • 但并非所有美国人都会同情这种情况。
  • The UAW's battle on behalf of a blue-collar aristocracy, many of whom earn around $30 an hour, loses emotional appeal
  • 美国汽车工人联合会代表蓝领贵族的斗争失去了情感吸引力,他们中的许多人每小时挣大约30美元
  • compared with McDonald's burger flippers fighting for a $15 minimum wage or Uber drivers demanding the barest of benefits.
  • 与麦当劳为15美元的最低工资而战,或优步司机要求最基本的福利相比,
  • (It doesn't help that several UAW bigwigs have of late been convicted for corruption.)
  • (最近几位联合汽车工会的头面人物被判犯有贪污罪,这也无济于事。)
  • For all its profits, GM is in a precarious state, too.
  • 尽管通用汽车获利颇丰,但处境也不稳定。
  • Last year Ms Barra, a company lifer, unveiled a $6bn-a-year savings drive.
  • 去年,公司终身员工巴拉公布了一项每年节省60亿美元的计划。
  • It involved shedding up to 14,000 jobs and shutting factories in North America to focus on making high-margin Suvs and trucks, as well as developing electric vehicles and self-driving cars.
  • 该计划包括裁减多达1.4万个工作岗位,关闭北美的工厂,专注于生产高利润的Suv和卡车,以及开发电动汽车和自动驾驶汽车。
  • She sees disruption barrelling down the freeway from rival carmakers but also tech firms investing in autonomous vehicles.
  • 她看到了竞争对手在高速公路上制造的混乱,以及来自投资自动驾驶汽车的科技公司的威胁。
  • To stop GM from becoming the next Studebaker, she is determined to curb the firm's reliance on old factories and wants to be able to shift output up and down as needed by hiring temporary workers.
  • 为了阻止通用汽车成为下一个斯蒂旁克,她决心减少公司对老工厂的依赖,并希望通过雇佣临时工来实现产量的上下转换。
  • That requires relations with the union to be more flexible than they have ever been, says Patrick Anderson of Anderson Economic Group, a Michiganbased consultancy.
  • 这就要求与工会的关系比以往任何时候都更加灵活, 位于密歇根州的咨询公司安德森经济集团的帕特里克·安德森如此表示。
  • GM's very vulnerability over the future of the vehicle reduces the union's leverage.
  • 通用汽车对其未来的脆弱性降低了工会的影响力。


Health-care costs are a bigger headache for GM. Its workers pay just 4% of their medical costs, a pittance by the standards of corporate America. Like other carmakers, GM is desperate for them to foot more of the bill, which is swelling as workers age and American health care grows pricier. The same rising costs mean that many workers would struggle to pay for treatments out of pocket. But not all Americans will sympathise. The UAWs battle on behalf of a blue-collar aristocracy, many of whom earn around $30 an hour, loses emotional appeal compared with McDonalds burger flippers fighting for a $15 minimum wage or Uber drivers demanding the barest of benefits. (It doesnt help that several UAW bigwigs have of late been convicted for corruption.)



For all its profits, GM is in a precarious state, too. Last year Ms Barra, a company lifer, unveiled a $6bn-a-year savings drive. It involved shedding up to 14,000 jobs and shutting factories in North America to focus on making high-margin Suvs and trucks, as well as developing electric vehicles and self-driving cars. She sees disruption barrelling down the freeway from rival carmakers but also tech firms investing in autonomous vehicles. To stop GM from becoming the next Studebaker, she is determined to curb the firms reliance on old factories and wants to be able to shift output up and down as needed by hiring temporary workers. That requires relations with the union to be more flexible than they have ever been, says Patrick Anderson of Anderson Economic Group, a Michiganbased consultancy. GMs very vulnerability over the future of the vehicle reduces the unions leverage.

尽管通用汽车获利颇丰,但处境也不稳定。去年,公司终身员工巴拉公布了一项每年节省60亿美元的计划。该计划包括裁减多达1.4万个工作岗位,关闭北美的工厂,专注于生产高利润的Suv和卡车,以及开发电动汽车和自动驾驶汽车。她看到了竞争对手在高速公路上制造的混乱,以及来自投资自动驾驶汽车的科技公司的威胁。为了阻止通用汽车成为下一个斯蒂旁克,她决心减少公司对老工厂的依赖,并希望通过雇佣临时工来实现产量的上下转换。这就要求与工会的关系比以往任何时候都更加灵活, 位于密歇根州的咨询公司安德森经济集团的帕特里克·安德森如此表示。通用汽车对其未来的脆弱性降低了工会的影响力。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
appeal [ə'pi:l]


n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力
n. 诉诸裁决

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的

desperate ['despərit]


adj. 绝望的,不顾一切的

aristocracy [.æris'tɔkrəsi]


n. 贵族,贵族阶级

vulnerability [.vʌlnərə'biliti]


n. 易受攻击,弱点,[计]漏洞

vehicle ['vi:ikl]


n. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介

corporate ['kɔ:pərit]


adj. 社团的,法人的,共同的,全体的

demanding [di'mændiŋ]


adj. 要求多的,吃力的

curb [kə:b]


n. 抑制,勒马绳,边石,路缘
vt. 抑制,

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工





