Now that IS had territory—the city of Raqqa, too, had fallen to him—he declared a Sunni caliphate and himself Caliph Ibrahim, the most pious, the warrior, the reviver, who would take Baghdad and lead his mujahideen as far as Rome. He not only spoke, but posted his sermon on YouTube. The world noticed him then. He also surprised those who thought they knew him, the family man and keen footballer, living for years in a garret by the Tobchi mosque and teaching children there.
Obviously he had been galvanised by the American invasion and his imprisonment in 2004 at Camp Bucca, where he taught the other yellow-clad inmates so serenely that his crusader-captors thought him no threat, and let him out. But his interest in the strict imposition of Islamic law came earlier. At university, prompted by an uncle, he had joined a jihadist-Salafist wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Long before that in the Samarra mosque he would devoutly clean and sweep, aware that his ancestors had won respect for doing that task. He would chastise his neighbours for their un-Islamic smoking, tattoos, or dancing with women.

Friends called him "The Believer", and he could unsettle them with his stare long before he had power enough to order the killing of anyone who defied him. Time and again his Mosul sermon nodded to history and to the Prophet. That was the difference he, a scholar, made to the jihadist movement. He was not an engineer like Osama Bin Laden or a doctor like Ayman al-Zawahiri, both leaders of al-Qaeda. He brought intellectual weight, as well as the membership he claimed in the Qurayshi tribe, descendants of the Prophet. When he spoke at Mosul he wore black robes to evoke the Abbasids, the most powerful caliphs of early Islam.