If the legal route was barred by injunctions or contempt of court, he made his cause a moral one. He ran the story over several pages under a banner headline, and week by week found a new human angle to keep it going. It became unignorable that way, and grew into a problem that had to be resolved. He would not stop until it was. Beside the text he ran photographs that were equally powerful, daring the reader to look away: Don McCullin’s unsparing portraits from war zones, or the dangling body-harness of a thalidomide child.
He spent hours at the back bench, poring over pictures and layout to get that vital impact. Many thought him the most powerful editor in Britain well before the Times. It was a pretty good outcome for a northern working-class boy, the product of a state school, who had felt ashamed for years of not speaking like the BBC. He was proud of his career as an editor, just as he was proud of his father’s rise from stoker to full-time train driver, and of the shop his mother ran from the front room. His parents had taught him to make the most of himself, so he had.

Though he kept a certain working-class deference and friendliness, did not shout, was “Harry” to everyone and would quite kindly tell reporters their copy was hopeless, he had taken on almost every part of the establishment and made it quake. But a year to the day after going to the Times his power was dust, when Rupert Murdoch fired him. Mr Murdoch had bought both the Times and the Sunday Times and had given him the Times job, but presumably the Evans style was too anti-Thatcher.