15 Learn to control your temper. Above all, if somebody does something you don't agree with, try not to shout or carry on. Instead, let it go if it is a minor matter. If you must say something or disagree with someone, do so tactfully and in a conversational tone of voice. You'll find that people respond more positively, too.
16 Don't swear, or at the very least, save the swearing for times that really warrant it. Swearing mainly demonstrates to others that you have poor control over your temper. Instead, try learning some other words to show your displeasure with something. Something that's not up to your standards could be terrible, lousy, rotten, crummy, no-good, and so on. Many of these terms will help you zero in on what the trouble is, communicate more effectively, and perhaps even move towards a solution.
Try it! You will probably find that people will listen to you better and take you more seriously if you don't swear.