15. Be Yourself
"It's OK to show up at a guy's house with a dozen roses and declare your undying affection. It's OK to have too much to drink and call your ex 20 times and then to be mortally embarrassed when you realize your number must have shown up on his caller ID. It's OK, because making a fool of yourself for love is ultimately about you, how much you have to give and the distances you will travel to keep your heart wide open when everything around you makes you feel like slamming it shut and soldering it closed." —Veronica Chambers, Glamour's features director and author of The Joy of Doing Things Badly
15. 做你自己:你可以拿着一打玫瑰到你喜欢的男人门口对他做露骨的表白;你也可以在喝醉酒以后不停的给前男友打电话,并在酒醒之后因为意识到他可以看到来电显示上自己的号码而觉得尴尬。你可以这样做,因为为爱而做傻事是一件很私人的,只是关于你自己的事。是关于在压力困境和伤害中,你可以为爱付出多少,并且愿意为了爱去做出多少努力和牺牲的一件事。—— Veronica Chambers
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