3)Abusing work-from-home privileges。
Yes, you save time when you work from home by not commuting. But too many people are easily sidetracked by the laundry, their kids, a quick errand. "People like to say, 'I get so much more done'" working from home, Davis said. And some do -- but not everyone. If you work from home, make sure you're putting in a full day's work -- and that you're accessible to your colleagues during the workday。
是的,在家里工作的话节约了交通时间。但是太多人很容易就被洗衣服、照顾孩子、以及其他突发事件耽误了工作。“人们喜欢说我在家工作‘做了这么多事情’” Davis说。有些人确实做了不少事情。但并非每个人都是。如果你在家工作的话,要确保你投入了全天的时间来工作,并且在上班时间要保证你的同事能够随时联系上你。