Nokia N-Gage
诺基亚 N-Gage
In 2003, Nokia (NOKBF) launched the N-Gage, a hybrid device that tried to bridge the gap between mobile entertainment and communication by being both pocket-sized gaming device and cell phone. Unfortunately for Nokia, the N-Gage wasn't particularly good at being either. Though it featured graphics comparable to Nintendo's successful Game Boy Advance, it was hampered by high pricing, a poor selection of games at launch and a 20-plus button layout that proved confusing and uncomfortable for gaming. As for cell usage, some outlets -- Fortune, included -- compared making phone calls on it to holding a taco to your ear.
2003年,诺基亚推出的N - Gage。这款多功能手机将普通通话手机和掌上游戏机结合在一起。虽然它的游戏功能相当接近任天堂的Game Boy,但价格高昂,支持游戏有限和令人迷茫的20个额外按钮使得销售受阻。至于通话方面,把手机放在耳边就像拿着一块玉米卷一样。