Road Warrior provides travel tips from those who know best: busy executives and other globetrotters. See previous columns
我们的“商旅达人”(Road Warrior)系列文章为大家提供各种出行建议。这些建议来自这一领域的专家:常年在旅途中奔波的公司高管和频繁往来于全球各地的人士。
As head of the Beijing office of Make Architects, John Puttick oversees projects from Qingdao to Chengdu. The 35-year-old London native spoke to the Journal about China's hotel scene, sketching on planes and the airport where he doesn't mind a flight delay.
Make Architects约翰·普迪克作为美克建筑事务所(Make Architects)北京工作室的负责人,约翰·普迪克(John Puttick)监管着从青岛到成都的诸多项目。这位35岁的伦敦人向《华尔街日报》谈论了中国的酒店,描绘了让他不会介意飞机晚点的那个机场。
How often are you on the road?
One week I'm in Beijing, the next, I'm somewhere else in China. I go back to the U.K. about twice a year, Hong Kong and Chengdu once a month. And I'm all over China: In the last four years, I've been to at least 20 cities.
Favorite airline?
I try to travel by train as much as I can, but distances make it difficult, so more often, I'm on a plane. I always fly Dragonair when I come to Hong Kong. And around China, nearly always with Air China, mainly because of the routes.
我试着在能坐火车的时候就尽量坐火车,但路途遥远的话坐火车就很麻烦了。所以更多的时候,我还是坐飞机。我去香港的时候一般会选择港龙航空(Dragonair)。如果是在中国大陆地区,主要考虑到航线问题,我基本都会乘坐中国国际航空公司(Air China)的飞机。
Loyalty program?
I'm not smart enough to do that sort of thing. I've been to Hong Kong at least 20 times. I really should get on that.
Favorite hotels?
In Hong Kong, I always stay at EAST Hotel. For someone like me, it's perfect: It's not just business, it's fun. When I'm in Chengdu, and generally in all cities in China, I don't have a regular place I stay at. Sometimes, I stay at the Shangri-La, sometimes at other places. I don't find the offerings in most Chinese cities that exciting at the moment. I think that will gradually change.
我在香港常住东隅酒店(EAST Hotel)。对于像我这样的人来说,这是一个完美之选:它不仅是一家商务酒店,还充满乐趣。但当我到成都或中国其他城市的时候,一般不会选择固定的酒店入住。有时,我会住在香格里拉(Shangri-La),有时是别的酒店。我觉得,目前在中国的大多数城市,酒店设施都没有达到让人欣喜的水平,但我认为这种情况应该会逐渐改变。
Carry-on essentials?
A Seawhite of Brighton sketchbook and a Pantel 0.9 millimeter propeller pencil. I don't need much. I sketch all the time. In meetings, it's useful to draw, to illustrate a point. On the plane, it's a good time to sketch. You don't have people bothering you, you can actually think design-wise. But on planes, I also like to not work. I read. I'm reading 'Wolf Hall' at the moment.
一个布莱顿海白(Seawhite of Brighton)素描本和一支0.9毫米的派通(Pentel)自动铅笔,我不需要带太多行李。我总在写写画画。开会的时候,通过画画来诠释要点对我来说很有用。坐飞机的时候也适合草绘。没有人打扰你,你能深入地思考设计方面的想法。但我在飞机上也不太愿意工作,我会读书。现在正在读的是《狼厅》(Wolf Hall)。
Preferred gadgets?
I'm not a techie. I still read proper books. I don't always bring my iPad. I don't have an iPhone. But I always bring my iPod. Music is important.
Favorite airport?
Hong Kong. Ken Shuttleworth, my boss, was looking after that project when it was under construction. I've learned a lot about that building through him. Within China, I like Weihai Airport. It's not big or grand, but it's somehow quite nice. It's very friendly and quite bright. I've spent a lot of time waiting there because of various delays, but waiting was actually okay.
香港国际机场。机场在建时,我的老板肯·沙特沃斯(Ken Shuttleworth)就负责这个项目。我也通过他对这个建筑有了很多了解。在中国内地,我比较喜欢威海机场。它并不大也不豪华,但不知怎么地就是感觉它很漂亮。威海机场还让人觉得很舒适,看着也特明亮。因为航班多次晚点,所以大把大把的时间都用来在那儿候机了,但等待对我而言是可以接受的。
Advice to hotels?
They should give more water. All you get are two small bottles. I don't understand why you don't get more.
Memorable souvenirs?
I bought a small folding bike called an A-bike in a supermarket in Wuhan. It's really small and extremely light, only 13 pounds. A lot of folding bikes aren't very portable, but this one really is. It was around 900 yuan ($141). It's hard work to ride it, but it's a cool thing.
Worst travel experience?
My wife works for the U.N., and in 2007, I went to see her in Sudan. I had a big problem leaving the country because of all the paperwork you needed to get out. But it's kind of amazing too, because you don't get to go to places like Sudan very often.
How do you deal with jet lag?
I wouldn't bother to arrive on a Saturday and take the weekend to get over it, as some people say. I think you should just arrive on Sunday and go straight to the office on Monday. Just attack the day.
Tips on traveling in China?
Bring along entertainment. Chances are you're going to be delayed. I get delayed four or six hours in an airport, regularly. I definitely wouldn't go anywhere in China without a book.