Sometimes the best travel stories are the ones where you feel a bit of fear. Perhaps it is because we all love scary stories, drawn from those conversations best held around campfires. So, if you like to be scared or perhaps you just like your travel a little bit dark, consider these destinations[目的地] for your next trip:

Island of the Dolls (Mexico)
Lying off the canals[运河] of Xochimilco, in Mexico, is a chinampa[墨西哥式人造草坪] covered with hundreds of dolls. Gathered by Don Julian Santana Barrera who collected rubbish piles, the dolls were hung from trees to keep away evil spirits and remember the drowning death of a young girl. According to Barrera, the dolls he planted and hung around the chinampa were still alive but forgotten by their owners. While alive, Barrera would move the dolls around the island from different trees, creating a chilling[使人寒心的] sight. The chinampa is accessible[可到达的] by boat and the dolls are still around, despite Barrera’s death in 1992.

Sedlec Ossuary[藏骨堂] (Czech Republic)
The grounds of Sedlec Ossuary, in Kutná Hora, were already a popular burial destination, due to a monk sprinkling[洒,撒] the cemetery[墓地] with dirt from Golgotha注1. To deal with the demand of tourists, a large church was built. This began a 400-year-long tradition of digging up the bodies to create the decorations[装饰(品)]. Around 1870, a woodcarver named Franti?ek Rint organised all the bones into complicated and chilling sculptures, chandeliers[枝形吊灯] and coat-of-arms[盾形纹章]. The Ossuary has since become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Czech Republic.
Gridley Tunnel (Japan)
You may have some issues accessing this small, narrow tunnel in Yokosuka, Japan, but between midnight and 1 AM on rainy nights, a samurai[日本武士] keen on[热衷于] revenging[替……报仇] his master will appear. Surprisingly shy, this warrior only appears to solo travellers, and there are online reports from foreigners that left the tunnel disappointed. Some believe his spirit is unsettled[未平息的] as he is unable to finish a task for his master and loyalty[忠心] prevents him from finding peace.

Hill of Crosses (Lithuania)
Birds of a feather[同类的人] are not the only ones who flock[聚结] together. On a lonely hill fort in 1831, people planted crosses to remember loved ones who died in an uprising[起义] against the Russian empire. Over time, with more battles and unrest[动荡的局面], the Hill of Crosses in ?iauliai, Lithuania, became popular as a place for prayer, remembrance, resistance[反抗] and even more crosses.
As of today, there are well over 100,000 crosses standing next to one another, with small religious statues, rosaries[念珠] and portraits in between. It has survived repeated attempts to remove the crosses, including bulldozing[用推土机消除]. Though it appears out of this world and spooky[幽灵般的], it is, at heart, a peaceful location earning plaudits[赞许] from Pope John Paul II注2 and others.

The Winchester Mystery House (USA)
After losing her husband and young child, Sarah Winchester became convinced[深信的] that spirits were cursing[诅咒] her family due to the guns made by the Winchester family empire. To fix this, she located an unfinished farm and commenced[开始] building around the clock[昼夜不停]. Construction work never ceased[停止] during her lifetime (not even for a minute), with Sarah believing it would stave off[避开] angry spirits.
Today, the four-storey home with 160 rooms is open to the public, in San Jose, California, USA. It is a confusing array[排列] of rooms, doors that open to walls and non-functioning bathrooms. Look out for Mrs. Winchester’s favourite decorations: the number 13 and spider webs.

Pripyat (Ukraine)
Abandoned[遗弃] in 1986, Pripyat was established as a city for workers at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant注3. Evacuated[撤出] after the disaster, the Ukrainian city has existed in standstill[停止], a picture of slow destruction. With no maintenance[维护] performed on buildings, roofs fall, water leaks[漏出] and trees grow through floors.
Some people have travelled through to take photos and measure radioactivity[放射性] levels in the area, but this is an adventure best left to the experts.

London’s Tube Network (Great Britain)
As if public transport could not get any worse, apparently there are now haunted[闹鬼的] stations to deal with. At Bank station, London, people report terrible smells and feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Though located on a former plague[瘟疫] burial site, we cannot tell if people are affected by the thought of going to work or supernatural[超自然的] activity, so we will leave it up to you.
Other supposedly haunted Tube stations include Covent Garden, Hyde Park and King’s Cross St. Pancras. The no-longer-in-use British Museum station is reported to be haunted by an Egyptian princess upset at being on display nearby.