Klout's new business dashboard, rolling out today, will offer a granular using at which social networks brands are seeing the most (and least) traction.
Klout, the analytics startup that aims to measure users' influence across their social networks, is going after businesses. The San Francisco-based venture, which launched in 2008, is launching Klout for Business, a portal intended to be used by big-name brands to better understand their online audiences.
社交影响力分析网站Klout致力于衡量用户在自身社交网络中的影响力,现在它开始争取企业用户。这家2008年于旧金山成立的初创企业目前推出了企业版Klout(Klout for Business),即一个旨在帮助各大品牌了解自身在线受众的门户网站。
Today, Klout is making available a free analytics dashboard for companies with features that allow them to learn how influential their fans and followers are, which social networks the brand resonates most (or least) with, which social networks they should use more, which topics about the brand are most popular, and which "moments"—a Tweet or Facebook (FB) update, for example—get the most attention.
Later this spring, the company will also introduce a Groups feature. Klout Groups will operate somewhat similarly to Facebook Groups, although they will only include the most influential people on social networks like Twitter and Instagram. The feature will allow companies to know, broadly, in which social networks members are particularly influential. Pricing will vary on a case by case basis. Klout currently draws the lion's share of its revenues from Klout Perks, a rewards program that encourages social media influencers to share information about brands. Klout CEO Joe Fernandez told Fortune he expects these to flip next year once Groups get off the ground.
The third part of Klout's business strategy will include tools so brands can interact and engage directly with their influencers, from polls to targeted perks. At this year's South by Southwest, Cirque du Soleil and Klout provided users who downloaded the mobile app and were at the festival various prizes.
Klout还准备了第三项业务。它计划推出多种工具,帮助各大品牌与社交大号互动,或是直接对他们给予激励。这些工具涵盖了从投票调查到精准奖励的多种功能。今年的西南偏南音乐节(South by Southwest)期间,太阳马戏团(Cirque du Soleil)和Klout就向那些亲临音乐节,同时下载了该移动应用程序的用户发放了各种奖品。
Will it work? That remains to be seen. Klout is no stranger to controversy. The company's very launch generated much discussion of the importance of measuring influence on the growing social Web. Later, controversy then shifted to Klout scores themselves. Because outsiders were unsure of how scores were achieved, they questioned their validity. (Indeed, at one point, President Obama ranked lower than tech influencer Robert Scoble. Wait, what?) That issue was allayed thanks a major redesign late last year that offered a more accurate calculation of scores as well as transparency into how they are measured.
Since then, Klout has matured and gained more acceptance among consumers, thanks in part to a partnership with Microsoft's (MSFT) Bing search engine. The company tripled revenue last year and expects to make in the low double-digit millions this year. There's a hitch, however. "A friend came in and told me that 10 out of 10 CMO's [chief marketing officers] that I talk to know what Klout is—so we have brand recognition—but 0 out of 10 know you do anything for brands," says Matt Thomson, Klout's VP of Business Development and Platform. Today's announcements are intended to address this.